InterfaceDeclaration constructor

  1. @Implements<Declaration>()
const InterfaceDeclaration({
  1. required String name,
  2. required bool isDeprecated,
  3. required bool isExperimental,
  4. required bool isSealed,
  5. required bool isAbstract,
  6. required Set<TypeUsage> typeUsages,
  7. required List<String> typeParameterNames,
  8. required Set<String> superTypeNames,
  9. required List<ExecutableDeclaration> executableDeclarations,
  10. required List<FieldDeclaration> fieldDeclarations,
  11. Set<String>? entryPoints,
  12. required String relativePath,


const factory InterfaceDeclaration({
  /// name of this interface
  required String name,

  /// whether this interface is deprecated
  required bool isDeprecated,

  /// whether this interface is experimental
  required bool isExperimental,

  /// determines if this declaration is sealed
  required bool isSealed,

  /// determines if this declaration is abstract
  required bool isAbstract,

  /// usages of this interface
  required Set<TypeUsage> typeUsages,

  /// list of type parameter names
  required List<String> typeParameterNames,

  /// set of super type names
  required Set<String> superTypeNames,

  /// executables that belong to this interface
  required List<ExecutableDeclaration> executableDeclarations,

  /// fields that belong to this interface
  required List<FieldDeclaration> fieldDeclarations,

  /// entry points this interface is reachable through
  Set<String>? entryPoints,

  /// the relative path of the library
  required String relativePath,
}) = _InterfaceDeclaration;