ExecutableParameterDeclaration constructor

  1. @Implements<Declaration>()
const ExecutableParameterDeclaration({
  1. required bool isRequired,
  2. required bool isNamed,
  3. required String name,
  4. required bool isDeprecated,
  5. required bool isExperimental,
  6. required String typeName,
  7. required String? typeFullLibraryName,
  8. required String relativePath,


const factory ExecutableParameterDeclaration({
  /// whether the parameter is required
  required bool isRequired,

  /// whether the parameter is named
  required bool isNamed,

  /// the name of the parameter
  required String name,

  /// whether the parameter is deprecated
  required bool isDeprecated,

  /// whether the parameter is experimental
  required bool isExperimental,

  /// type name of this parameter
  required String typeName,

  /// the type library path
  required String? typeFullLibraryName,

  /// the relative path of the library
  required String relativePath,
}) = _ExecutableParameterDeclaration;