ExecutableParameterDeclaration constructor
{ - required bool isRequired,
- required bool isNamed,
- required String name,
- required bool isDeprecated,
- required bool isExperimental,
- required String typeName,
- required String? typeFullLibraryName,
- required String relativePath,
const factory ExecutableParameterDeclaration({
/// whether the parameter is required
required bool isRequired,
/// whether the parameter is named
required bool isNamed,
/// the name of the parameter
required String name,
/// whether the parameter is deprecated
required bool isDeprecated,
/// whether the parameter is experimental
required bool isExperimental,
/// type name of this parameter
required String typeName,
/// the type library path
required String? typeFullLibraryName,
/// the relative path of the library
required String relativePath,
}) = _ExecutableParameterDeclaration;