ExecutableDeclaration constructor
- required String returnTypeName,
- required String? returnTypeFullLibraryName,
- required String name,
- required bool isDeprecated,
- required bool isExperimental,
- required List<
ExecutableParameterDeclaration> parameters, - required List<
String> typeParameterNames, - required ExecutableType type,
- required bool isStatic,
- Set<
String> ? entryPoints, - required String relativePath,
const factory ExecutableDeclaration({
/// name of the return type
required String returnTypeName,
// full library name of the return type
required String? returnTypeFullLibraryName,
/// name of the executable
required String name,
/// whether the executable is deprecated
required bool isDeprecated,
/// whether the executable is experimental
required bool isExperimental,
/// list of the executables parameters ([ExecutableOParameterDeclaration]s)
required List<ExecutableParameterDeclaration> parameters,
/// type parameter names of this executable
required List<String> typeParameterNames,
/// type of the executable
required ExecutableType type,
/// whether the executable is a static method
required bool isStatic,
/// entry points for this executable
Set<String>? entryPoints,
/// the relative path of the library
required String relativePath,
}) = _ExecutableDeclaration;