pairwise method

Iterable<Tuple2<T, T>> pairwise()

Returns an iterable that pairs every element with the element before it.

Every element returned by this method is a Tuple2 containing every element in this iterable paired with the element that comes before it, with the exception of the first element. As such, the length of the returned iterable will be one less than this iterable.

If this iterable is empty or only contains one element, a StateError will be thrown.


Iterable<Tuple2<T, T>> pairwise() sync* {
  final iterator = this.iterator;
  if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
    throw StateError('Cannot perform pairwise on an empty iterable.');

  var lastValue = iterator.current;

  if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
    throw StateError(
        'Cannot perform pairwise on an iterable with only one element.');

  do {
    yield Tuple2(lastValue, iterator.current);
    lastValue = iterator.current;
  } while (iterator.moveNext());