index method

Iterable<MapEntry<int, T>> index([
  1. int startIndex = 0,
  2. bool descending = false

Returns an iterable of MapEntry representing the elements in this iterable combined with the zero-based index where the element was found.

The returned iterable will consist of a sequence of MapEntry elements. For each entry, the key will be the index and the value will be the element itself.

Optionally a startIndex value can be provided. The first element in the resulting iterable will begin with that value. (Defaults to 0)

A value can be provided for descending as well. If true, the indices in the returned iterable will count down from the starting index. (Defaults to false)


Iterable<MapEntry<int, T>> index(
    [int startIndex = 0, bool descending = false]) sync* {
  var index = startIndex;
  for (var o in this) {
    yield MapEntry(index, o);
    index += descending ? -1 : 1;