registerEqualityComparer<T> static method

bool registerEqualityComparer<T>(
  1. EqualityComparer<T> comparer, {
  2. bool overwrite = false,

Registers an EqualityComparer object as the default comparer for type T, returning a bool stating if a comparer already exists.

If overwrite is true, the comparer will replace any existing comparer registered under T with the given one. If overwrite is false and a comparer for T is already registered, the new comparer is ignored. (overwrite defaults to false.)

In either case, this method returns true if a comparer is already registered under type T, and false otherwise.


static bool registerEqualityComparer<T>(EqualityComparer<T> comparer,
    {bool overwrite = false}) {
  var typeExists = _registeredEqualityComparers.containsKey(T);
  if (!typeExists || overwrite) _registeredEqualityComparers[T] = comparer;
  return typeExists;