hashPasswordBytes abstract method

Future<DArgon2Result> hashPasswordBytes(
  1. List<int> password, {
  2. required Salt salt,
  3. int iterations = 32,
  4. int memory = 256,
  5. int parallelism = 2,
  6. int length = 32,
  7. Argon2Type type = Argon2Type.i,
  8. Argon2Version version = Argon2Version.V13,

The Future method to hash a List

Needs a List of type int password and a salt to be given with an optional parameters to control the amount of iterations, memory, parallelism used during the operation. Also optionally takes a length parameter for the hash's return length, as well as a type and version.

Returns a Future containing a DArgon2Result with the hashed password, encoded hash, and various conversion options for the hash and encoded bytes.


Future<DArgon2Result> hashPasswordBytes(List<int> password,
    {required Salt salt,
    int iterations = 32,
    int memory = 256,
    int parallelism = 2,
    int length = 32,
    Argon2Type type = Argon2Type.i,
    Argon2Version version = Argon2Version.V13});