track method

  1. @internal
ActiveRequestTracker track(
  1. BaseRequest request, {
  2. required bool isStreaming,

Tracks a request with this controller.

This method is called internally when a request is sent. It should not be called directly. A StateError will be thrown if the request is not bound to this controller.

If the request is already being tracked by this controller, the existing ActiveRequestTracker will be returned.


ActiveRequestTracker track(BaseRequest request, {required bool isStreaming}) {
  if (request.controller != this) {
    throw StateError('Request is not bound to this controller');

  if (_activeRequests.any((r) => r.request == request)) {
    return _activeRequests.firstWhere((r) => r.request == request);

  final activeRequest = ActiveRequestTracker(
    isStreaming: isStreaming,
    timeout: timeout,
  return activeRequest;