Have you ever felt despair when it was time to integrate your app with yet another RESTful API?
This meant writing more boilerplate by creating new ApiManager
s and ApiRepositorie
s calling same Dio or Http methods over again.
Danela (Dart Abstract Network Layer) encapsulates the network layer logic providing a modular, customizable, efficient, and intuitive solution. Move from the boilerplate and legacy mess to the general approach.
Danela, the approach, and this image was inspired by Moya.
# pubspec.yaml
danela: ^1.0.0
Danela operates with two data types. They do nothing but define the characteristics of an action. You can compare them to the Flutter widgets that act as a blueprint for the actual UI.
s describe the action of requesting something from the Internet.RequestMapper
s describe the way raw response data is processed and mapped to the outcoming model/
As for the actions over data types, there are also two concepts:
is an interface for an object performing requests.Repository
is an interface for an object caching or storing the data gateways provide it with.
// Create a request to the Joke API
final request = const Request(
url: 'https://official-joke-api.appspot.com/random_joke',
// Define a mapper producing a String from a Dio's Response (since we are using Dio here)
final mapper = RequestMapper<Response, String>(
mapJson: Joke.fromJson,
onError: parseError,
// Create the Dio instance
final dio = Dio();
// Now we define the Gateway
final gateway = DioGateway(
dio: dio,
request: request,
mapper: mapper,
// Safely fetch the String result
print(await gateway.run());
// Now, let's add caching
final repository = DefaultRepository(gateway: gateway);
// We're good! Cache usage is set to true by default in the DefaultRepository
print(await repository.run(useCache: true));
Using fpdart
If you're a functional programming approach enjoyer, leverage its beauty and conciseness easily with Danela.
// Use a mapper with Either
final mapper = RequestMapper<Response, Either<String, Joke>>(
mapJson: (json) => Either.of(Joke.fromJson(json)),
onError: (e) => '$e',
// Define the gateway as usual
final gateway = DioGateway(
dio: dio,
request: request,
mapper: mapper,
// Wrap the run with a TaskEither
final gatewayTask = TaskEither(gateway.run);
// Or define a local extension to transform a Future to the Task
extension GatewayToTaskExt<T> on Gateway<T> {
Task<T> get toTask => Task(run);
Danela is composable, so feel free to implement a MockGateway
or MockRepository
and inject it as a repository in your modules.
class MockRepository<T> implements Repository<T> {
Future<T> run() => Future.delayed(
const Duration(seconds: 2),
() => Random().nextInt(5),
void dispose() {}
The package is in developmen, so in case of problems or wishes to improve the project, feel free to create an issue on GitHub or contact me on Telegram.