Daktela V6 Dart Connector

Daktela V6 Dart Connector is a library that enables your Dart/Flutter application to connect to your Daktela V6 REST API. This connector requires you to have the Daktela Contact Centre application already purchased, installed, and ready for use. The Daktela Contact Centre is an application enabling all-in-one handling of all customer communication coming through various channels, for example calls, e-mails, web chats, SMS, or social media.


The connector requires following prerequisites:

  • Instance URL in the form of https://URL/
  • Access token for each access to the Daktela V6 REST API based on required permissions


DaktelaConnector is singleton class that allows you to send CRUD on your Daktela server. It requires instance of configuration class DaktelaConnectorConfig, where you must specify instance URL at least and in most cases you probably also want to set a user's access token. Other options are listed below.


Configuration for DaktelaConnector with options:

  • url - instance's URL (required), for example 'my.daktela.com',
  • accessToken - user's access token used for authentication,
  • timeout - request timeout (default: 10 second),
  • longPollingTimeout - in case you implement your custom app pull data worker, you are allowed to set long polling requests timeout (default: 30 seconds),
  • userAgent - your app user agent,
  • cookieAuth - allows you to authenticate request through cookies (default value is false and in that case access token will be added into request's query parameters),
  • logger - instance of DaktelaLogger that allows you to implement custom logging method,
  • errors - instance of DaktelaErrorMessages for overriding default error messages defined by connector.
var logger = DaktelaLogger(
  callback: (String message, {Object? error, DaktelaLogLevel? logLevel, StackTrace? stackTrace}) {
    if (error != null) {
      print('Error:  $error');
    if (stackTrace != null) {
      print('StackTrace:  $stackTrace');

var config = DaktelaConnectorConfig(
  url: 'my.daktela.com',
  accessToken: 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e',
  userAgent: 'MyDaktelaClient-1.0.0',
  cookieAuth: true,
  logger: logger,
  errors: DaktelaErrorMessages(general: 'Ooops'),


Class allows you to call GET, POST, PUT or DELETE requests. There are 2 necessary steps:

  1. obtain instance of DaktelaConnector through getter instance,
  2. set instance of DaktelaConnectorConfig through setter config.

Then you are allowed to call methods get, post, put and delete that use standard HTTP methods. Methods parameters:

  • endpoint - name of endpoint (required), for example 'tickets.json'
  • query - map (Map<String, dynamic>) of query parameters, we recommend you to use DaktelaQueryMap to build request's query,
  • payload - map (Map<String, dynamic>) of POST or PUT requests' payload,
  • nestedDecoding - flag for response decoding (default is true for standard response decoding),
  • internalEndpoint - flag for use /internal endpoint prefix instead of standard /api/v6 (default: false),
  • longPollingRequest - flag for use long polling request timeout (default: false).

Standard response from server is an instance of DaktelaResponse with properties statusCode (int), result (dynamic) and total (int?).

Request may throw an exception DaktelaException or its subclasses (DaktelaUnauthorizedException, DaktelaNotFoundException).

var connector = DaktelaConnector.instance..config = config;

String? accessToken;
try {
  var r = await connector.post('login.json', payload: {
    'username': 'user_1',
    'password': 'password_1',
    'only_token': '1',
  accessToken = r.result as String;
} catch (e) {

Sorting, paging and filtering

In case of processing larger data volumes pagination, sorting, filtering and fields projection might be used. You can create map of query parameters from these options through DaktelaQueryMap and its static method build with parameters:

  • DaktelaFilter? filter - filter defining class which is composed by atomic field parts (instances of DaktelaFilterField),
  • DaktelaSort? sort - simple class for sorting data by one or more fields. It consists of atomic parts as well (instances of DaktelaSort),
  • DaktelaPagination? pagination - useful when you want to load data dynamically in batches.
  • String? search - for some endpoints you may use full text search,
  • List<String>? fields - allows you to specify which fields of model should be returned.

Complex example of requesting Tickets model with query parameters:

var r = await connector.get(
  queryParameters: DaktelaQueryMap.build(
      pagination: DaktelaPagination(take: 3),
      fields: ['name', 'title', 'category', 'user'],
      filter: DaktelaFilter.simple(DaktelaFilterField(field: 'stage', operator: 'eq', value: ['CLOSE'])),
      sort: DaktelaSort.simple(DaktelaSortField(field: 'edited', direction: 'desc')),


Check simple usage example in example/example.dart. You will find there:

  • customized logging through DaktelaLogger,
  • obtaining access token (log in),
  • request on tickets.json endpoint with example usage of DaktelaQueryMap.

