DaaD Form

DaaD Form is a Flutter package that provides customizable and reusable form fields for creating interactive and user-friendly forms in your applications. This package allows developers to easily design and integrate form fields like text fields with advanced features and options.


sdk: ">=2.17.0 <4.0.0"

flutter: ">=2.10.0"


Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml:

      daad_form: ^0.0.1

$ flutter pub get

Getting Started

To get started using this widget, you will need to first import the package inside your project following the installation guide found on Flutter.dev.


To use this widget,

  1. import 'package:daad_form/daad_form.dart'; inside your dart file
  2. Follow one of the examples bellow and call the widget DaaDForm(...).
  3. The widget takes in 9 arguments: String? label, String? hintText, TextEditingController? controller, TextInputType? keyboardType, IconData? prefixIcon, IconData? suffixIcon, bool? obscureText, String? Function(String?)?) validator, void Function(String)?) onChanged.

Read the api documentation on these properties for more details or see the examples provided in the example folder.

An example of using the validator function

A validation function to check the text entered.

    (value) {
        if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
            return 'Field cannot be empty';
        return null;

An example of using the onChange function

A function called when the text changes.

    (value) {
        print('Value changed: $value');

Use it in your app

        label: 'Email',
        hintText: 'Enter your email',
        prefixIcon: Icons.email,
        validator: (value) => value!.isEmpty ? 'Cannot be empty' : null,


  • Customizable text fields.
  • Built-in validation support.
  • Easy integration.

