Modifying elements topic

After selecting elements, use the selection to modify the elements. For example, to set the class and color style of all paragraph elements in the current document:

    .attrSet("class", "graf".u22)
    .styleSet("color", "red".u22);

Selection methods typically return the current selection, or a new selection, allowing the concise application of multiple operations on a given selection via method chaining. The above is equivalent to:

final p = d4.selectAll("p".u31);
p.attrSet("class", "graf".u22);
p.styleSet("color", "red".u22);

Selections are immutable. All selection methods that affect which elements are selected (or their order) return a new selection rather than modifying the current selection. However, note that elements are necessarily mutable, as selections drive transformations of the document!


create(String name) Selection Modifying elements
Given the specified element name, returns a single-element selection containing a detached element of the given name in the current document.
creator(String name) → Element Function(Element, [JSAny?, int?, List<Element?>?]) Modifying elements
Given the specified element name, returns a function which creates an element of the given name, assuming that thisArg is the parent element.