Sequential schemes topic

Sequential color schemes are available as continuous interpolators (often used with ScaleSequential) and as discrete schemes (often used with ScaleOrdinal).

Each discrete scheme, such as schemeBlues, is represented as an array of arrays of hexadecimal color strings. The kth element of this array contains the color scheme of size k; for example, schemeBlues[9] contains an array of nine strings representing the nine colors of the blue sequential color scheme. Sequential color schemes support a size k ranging from 3 to 9.

To create a sequential discrete nine-color scale using the Blues color scheme:

final color = ScaleOrdinal(range: schemeBlues[9]);

To create a sequential continuous color scale using the Blues color scheme:

final color = ScaleSequential(interpolator: interpolateBlues);


schemeBlues List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “Blues” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeBuGn List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “BuGn” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeBuPu List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “BuPu” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeGnBu List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “GnBu” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeGreens List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “Greens” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeGreys List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “Greys” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeOranges List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “Oranges” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeOrRd List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “OrRd” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemePuBu List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “PuBu” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemePuBuGn List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “PuBuGn” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemePuRd List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “PuRd” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemePurples List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “Purples” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeRdPu List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “RdPu” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeReds List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “Reds” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeYlGn List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “YlGn” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeYlGnBu List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “YlGnBu” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeYlOrBr List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “YlOrBr” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.
schemeYlOrRd List<List<String>?> Sequential schemes
The “YlOrRd” discrete sequential color scheme of size k in 3–9.


interpolateBlues(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “Blues” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateBuGn(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “BuGn” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateBuPu(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “BuPu” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateCividis(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “cividis” color vision deficiency-optimized color scheme designed by Nuñez, Anderton, and Renslow, represented as an RGB string.
interpolateCool(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from Niccoli’s perceptual rainbow, represented as an RGB string.
interpolateCubehelixDefault(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from Green’s default Cubehelix represented as an RGB string.
interpolateGnBu(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “GnBu” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateGreens(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the "Greens" sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateGreys(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the "Greys" sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateInferno(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “inferno” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by van der Walt and Smith for matplotlib, represented as an RGB string.
interpolateMagma(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “magma” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by van der Walt and Smith for matplotlib, represented as an RGB string.
interpolateOranges(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the "Oranges" sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateOrRd(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “OrRd” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolatePlasma(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “plasma” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by van der Walt and Smith for matplotlib, represented as an RGB string.
interpolatePuBu(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “PuBu” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolatePuBuGn(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “PuBuGn” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolatePuRd(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “PuRd” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolatePurples(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the "Purples" sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateRdPu(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “RdPu” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateReds(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the "Reds" sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateTurbo(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “turbo” color scheme by Anton Mikhailov.
interpolateViridis(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “viridis” perceptually-uniform color scheme designed by van der Walt, Smith and Firing for matplotlib, represented as an RGB string.
interpolateWarm(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from a 180° rotation of Niccoli’s perceptual rainbow, represented as an RGB string.
interpolateYlGn(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “YlGn” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateYlGnBu(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “YlGnBu” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateYlOrBr(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “YlOrBr” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.
interpolateYlOrRd(num t) String Sequential schemes
Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “YlOrRd” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.