Color interpolation topic

Interpolators for colors in various color spaces.


interpolateCubehelix(Object? a, Object? b) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Returns an Cubehelix color space interpolator between the two colors a and b with a default gamma of 1.
interpolateCubehelixGamma(num gamma) String Function(num) Function(Object?, Object?) Color interpolation
Returns a new Cubehelix color space interpolator factory using the specified gamma.
interpolateCubehelixGammaLong(num gamma) String Function(num) Function(Object?, Object?) Color interpolation
Like interpolateCubehelixGamma, but does not use the shortest path between hues.
interpolateCubehelixLong(Object? a, Object? b) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Like interpolateCubehelixGammaLong, but does not use the shortest path between hues.
interpolateHcl(Object? a, Object? b) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Returns a CIELChab color space interpolator between the two colors a and b.
interpolateHclLong(Object? a, Object? b) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Like interpolateHcl, but does not use the shortest path between hues.
interpolateHsl(Object? a, Object? b) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Returns an HSL color space interpolator between the two colors a and b.
interpolateHslLong(Object? a, Object? b) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Like interpolateHsl, but does not use the shortest path between hues.
interpolateHue(num a, num b) num Function(num) Color interpolation
Returns an interpolator between the two hue angles a and b.
interpolateLab(Object? a, Object? b) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Returns a CIELAB color space interpolator between the two colors a and b.
interpolateRgb(Object? a, Object? b) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Returns an RGB color space interpolator between the two colors a and b with a default gamma of 1.
interpolateRgbBasis(List<Object?> colors) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified list of colors, which are converted to RGB color space.
interpolateRgbBasisClosed(List<Object?> colors) String Function(num) Color interpolation
Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified list of colors, which are converted to RGB color space.
interpolateRgbGamma(num y) String Function(num) Function(Object?, Object?) Color interpolation
Returns a new RGB color space interpolator factory using the specified gamma.