interpolateString function Value interpolation
Returns an interpolator between the two strings a
and b
The string interpolator finds numbers embedded in a
and b
, where each
number is of the form understood by Dart. A few examples of numbers that
will be detected within a string: -1
, 42
, 3.14159
, and
For each number embedded in b
, the interpolator will attempt to find a
corresponding number in a
. If a corresponding number is found, a numeric
interpolator is created using interpolateNumber. The remaining parts of
the string b
are used as a template: the static parts of the string b
remain constant for the interpolation, with the interpolated numeric values
embedded in the template.
For example, if a
is "300 12px sans-serif"
, and b
"500 36px Comic-Sans"
, two embedded numbers are found. The remaining
static parts (of string b
) are a space between the two numbers (" "
and the suffix ("px Comic-Sans"
). The result of the interpolator at t =
0.5 is "400 24px Comic-Sans"
String Function(num) interpolateString(String a, String b) {
var bi = 0,
am = _re.allMatches(a).iterator,
bm = _re.allMatches(b).iterator,
i = -1,
s = <String?>[],
q = <(int, num Function(num))>[];
late String bs;
while (am.moveNext() && bm.moveNext()) {
var ami = am.current, bmi = bm.current;
if (bmi.start > bi) {
bs = b.substring(bi, bmi.start);
if (_elementAtOrNull(s, i) != null) {
s[i] = s[i]! + bs; // coalesce with previous string
} else {
String ams, bms;
if ((ams = ami[0]!) == (bms = bmi[0]!)) {
if (_elementAtOrNull(s, i) != null) {
s[i] = s[i]! + bms; // coalesce with previous string
} else {
} else {
// interpolate non-matching numbers
q.add((i, interpolateNumber(num.parse(ams), num.parse(bms))));
bi = bmi.end;
// Add remains of b.
if (bi < b.length) {
bs = b.substring(bi);
if (_elementAtOrNull(s, i) != null) {
s[i] = s[i]! + bs; // coalesce with previous string
} else {
// Special optimization for only a single match.
// Otherwise, interpolate each of the numbers and rejoin the string.
return s.length < 2
? (q.isNotEmpty ? _one(q[0].$2) : _zero(b))
: (t) {
(int, num Function(num)) o;
for (int i = 0; i < q.length; ++i) {
s[(o = q[i]).$1] = o.$2(t).toString();
return s.join("");