rollup<T, R, K> function
Grouping data
Groups and reduces the specified iterable
of values into an Map from key
to value.
For example, given some data:
final data = [
{"name": "jim", "amount": "34.0", "date": "11/12/2015"},
{"name": "carl", "amount": "120.11", "date": "11/12/2015"},
{"name": "stacy", "amount": "12.01", "date": "01/04/2016"},
{"name": "stacy", "amount": "34.05", "date": "01/04/2016"}
To count the number of elements by name:
rollup(data, (v) => v["length"], (d) => d["name"])
This produces:
"jim": 1,
"carl": 1,
"stacy": 2
To count the number of elements by more than one key:
rollup(data, (v) => v["length"], (d) => (d["name"], d["date"]));
This produces:
("jim", "11/12/2015"): 1,
("carl", "11/12/2015"): 1,
("stacy", "01/04/2016"): 2
Map<K, R> rollup<T, R, K>(
Iterable<T> iterable, R Function(List<T>) reduce, K Function(T) key) {
var groups = <K, List<T>>{};
for (var value in iterable) {
(groups[key(value)] ??= []).add(value);
return, value) => MapEntry(key, reduce(value)));