selectAll method
For each selected element, selects the descendant elements that match the specified selector string.
final b = d4.selectAll("p".u31).selectAll("b".u22); // every <b> in every <p>
The elements in the returned selection are grouped by their corresponding parent node in this selection. If no element matches the specified selector for the current element, or if the selector is null, the group at the current index will be empty. The selected elements do not inherit data from this selection; use selection.dataBind to propagate data to children.
If the selector is a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). It must return an list of elements (or an iterable, or a pseudo-array such as a NodeList), or the empty list if there are no matching elements. For example, to select the previous and next siblings of each paragraph:
final sibling = d4.selectAll("p".u31).selectAll(
(Element thisArg, JSAny? d, int i, List<Element?> nodes) {
return [thisArg.previousElementSibling, thisArg.nextElementSibling];
Unlike, selection.selectAll does affect grouping: each selected descendant is grouped by the parent element in the originating selection. Grouping plays an important role in the data join. See Nested Selections and How Selections Work for more on this topic.
Selection selectAll(
[Union2<EachCallback<Iterable<Element?>>, String>? selector]) {
var select = selector?.split(
(select) => listAll(select),
(selector) => g.selectorAll(selector),
) ??
List<List<Element?>> subgroups = [];
List<Element?> parents = [];
for (var groups = _groups, m = groups.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
Element? node;
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) != null) {
.add(select(node!, (node as JSObject)["__data__"], i, group));
return Selection._(subgroups, parents);