sort method
Returns a new selection that contains a copy of each group in this selection sorted according to the compare function. After sorting, re-inserts elements to match the resulting order (per selection.order).
The compare function, which defaults to ascending, is passed two elements’ data a and b to compare. It should return either a negative, positive, or zero value. If negative, then a should be before b; if positive, then a should be after b; otherwise, a and b are considered equal and the order is arbitrary.
Selection sort(Comparator<JSAny?> compare) {
int compareNode(Element? a, Element? b) {
var aIsNull = (a == null ? 1 : 0),
bIsNull = (b == null ? 1 : 0),
xor = aIsNull - bIsNull;
return xor == 0 && aIsNull == 0
? compare((a as JSObject)["__data__"], (b as JSObject)["__data__"])
: xor;
final m = _groups.length, sortgroups = List<List<Element?>>.filled(m, []);
for (var j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
Element? node;
List<Element?> group = _groups[j];
int n = group.length;
List<Element?>? sortgroup =
sortgroups[j] = List<Element?>.filled(n, null);
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) != null) {
sortgroup[i] = node;
return Selection._(sortgroups, _parents)..order();