joind method
Appends, removes and reorders elements as necessary to match the data that was previously bound by selection.dataBind, returning the merged enter and update selection.
This method is a convenient alternative to the explicit general update pattern, replacing selection.enter, selection.exit, selection.append, selection.remove, and selection.order. For example:
.attrSet("fill", "none".u22)
.attrSet("stroke", "black".u22);
The enter function may be specified as a string shorthand, as above, which is equivalent to selection.append with the given element name. Likewise, optional update and exit functions may be specified, which default to the identity function and calling selection.remove, respectively. The shorthand above is thus equivalent to:
((Selection enter) => enter.append("circle".u22)).u21,
(Selection update) => update,
(Selection exit) => exit.remove(),
.attrSet("fill", "none".u22)
.attrSet("stroke", "black".u22);
By passing separate functions on enter, update and exit, you have greater control over what happens. And by specifying a key function to selection.dataBind, you can minimize changes to the DOM to optimize performance. For example, to set different fill colors for enter and update:
((Selection enter) =>
enter.append("circle".u22).attrSet("fill", "green".u22)).u21,
(Selection update) => update.attrSet("fill", "blue".u22),
.attrSet("stroke", "black".u22);
The selections returned by the enter and update functions are merged and then returned by selection.joind.
You can animate enter, update and exit by creating transitions inside the enter, update and exit functions. If the enter and update functions return transitions, their underlying selections are merged and then returned by selection.joind. The return value of the exit function is not used.
For more, see the selection.join notebook.
Selection? joind(
Union2<Selection? Function(Selection), String> onenter, [
Selection? Function(Selection)? onupdate,
void Function(Selection)? onexit,
]) {
Selection? enter = this.enter(), update = this, exit = this.exit();
(onenter) => enter = onenter(enter!)?.selection(),
(type) => enter = enter!.append(type.u22),
if (onupdate != null) update = onupdate(update)?.selection();
if (onexit == null) {
} else {
return enter != null && update != null
? (enter!.merge(update)..order())
: update;