dispatch method

Selection dispatch(
  1. String type, [
  2. Union2<EachCallback<DispatchParams?>, DispatchParams?>? parameters

Dispatches a custom event of the specified type to each selected element, in order.


An optional parameters object may be specified to set additional properties of the event. It may contain the following fields:

  • bubbles - if true, the event is dispatched to ancestors in reverse tree order.
  • cancelable - if true, event.preventDefault is allowed.
  • detail - any custom data associated with the event.

If parameters is a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with thisArg as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). It must return the parameters for the current element.


Selection dispatch(String type,
    [Union2<EachCallback<DispatchParams?>, DispatchParams>? parameters]) {
  return each(
          (callback) => dispatchFunction(type, callback),
          (params) => dispatchConstant(type, params),
        ) ??
        dispatchConstant(type, null),