Cyrus Pagination

A library for easily displaying paginated data, created by Um Kithya.

Cyrus Pagination comes in handy when building features like activity feeds, news feeds, or anywhere else where you need to lazily fetch and render content for users to consume.


Usage for List

A basic implementation requires four parameters:

  • An onRefresh that is refresh function call when pull to refresh like refresh indicator.
  • A widget that is item child widget.
  • A fetchData that is an function to fetch api.
  • An itemList that is a list of item.
  • A loading that is variable for loading state.
  • A page that is variable for page number state.
  • An hasMoreData that is variable its true when data has more.
  • An end that is variable its true when page equals total page.

Example Simple

        onRefresh: () async {
          setState(() {
            page = 1;
            end = false;
          await fetchApi();
        loading: loading,
        itemList: passagerList,
        page: page,
        end: end,
        fetchData: () => fetchApi(),
        widget: (data, index) => Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 10),
          child: CustomCard(
            title: "$index",
        hasMoreData: isMoreData,

Example Grid

        isGridView: true,
        gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
          crossAxisSpacing: 1,
          mainAxisSpacing: 10,
          crossAxisCount: 2,
          childAspectRatio: 3 / 4.5,
        onRefresh: () async {
          setState(() {
            page = 1;
            end = false;
          await fetchApi();
        loading: loading,
        itemList: passagerList,
        page: page,
        end: end,
        fetchData: () => fetchApi(),
        widget: (data, index) => Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 10),
          child: CustomCard(
            title: "$index",
        hasMoreData: isMoreData,

This open source project authorized by UM KITHYA , and the license is MIT.

