
  • Heartbeat animations
  • Full customized text
  • Built in animations
  • Customize toast layout (LTR/RTL)
  • Customize toast duration
  • Customize toast position (Center, Bottom, Top)
  • Animated toasts with animated icons
  • Built-in types (Success, Warning, Error, Info, Delete)
  • Possibility to design your own toast
  • Support null safety
  • Support long text

Getting started

In order to add custom toast to your project add this line to your pubspec.yaml file

	customtoastshow: ^1.6.0

Or you can reference the main repository directly by adding those lines

		git: https://github.com/palashsethiya/ToastHandler.git


Name Type Description Required Default Value
description String The description text true N/A
title String The toast title false empty string
descriptionStyle TextStyle The text style applied on the description text false TextStyle(color: Colors.black)
titleStyle TextStyle The text style applied on the title false TextStyle(color: Colors.black)
icon IconData The toast icon required when creating a custom toast otherwise you don't have to pass it N/A
color Color The custom toast background color (applied on the background, icon and side bar) required when creating a custom toast otherwise you don't have to pass it N/A
width double The custom toast width false 350
height double The custom toast height false 80
iconSize double The icon size false 40
iconType ICON_TYPE String The design type of the icon (Material design or Cupertino) values: ICON_TYPE.MATERIAL_DESIGN or ICON_TYPE.CUPERTINO false ICON_TYPE.MATERIAL_DESIGN
enableAnimation boolean Whether enable or disable the animation applied on the icon (heartbeat animation) false true
layoutOrientation ORIENTATION the layout orientation of the toast (from left to right LTR or from right to left RTL false ORIENTATION.LTR
animationType ANIMATION the toast enter animation false ANIMATION.FROM_BOTTOM
animationDuration Duration the animation duration false Duration(milliseconds: 1500)
toastDuration Duration How much the toast will be shown false Duration(seconds: 3)
animationCurve Curves The toast animation curve false Curves.ease
position MOTION_TOAST_POSITION The position where the toast will be displayed (TOP, BOTTOM, CENTER) false MOTION_TOAST_POSITION.BOTTOM
borderRadius double define the radius of the toast false 20
onClose Function function invoked once the toast in closed false null
  • When creating you custom toast you don't have to use iconType it will not be used when rendering the toast

  • For bottom toast you can't set the animation FROM_TOP as well as for top displayed toast you can't set the animation to FROM_BOTTOM

  • for center custom toast it will be rendered without animations


  • Success Toast
	title:  "Success Toast",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "Example of success custom toast",
	descriptionStyle:  TextStyle(fontSize:  12),
	width:  300

  • Warning Toast

	title:  "Warning Toast",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "This is a Warning"

  • Error Toast

	title:  "Error",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "Please enter your name"

  • Info Toast
	title:  "Info Toast",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "Example of Info Toast"

  • Delete Toast

	title:  "Deleted",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "The item is deleted"

  • Custom Toast

To create your custom toast just use the default constructor,

icon description and color are required

	icon:  Icons.alarm,
	color:  Colors.pink,
	title:  "Custom Toast",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "You can customize the toast!",
	width:  300

  • Right-Designed Toast

To change the toast layout you need to use layoutOrientation, icon description and color are required

	title:  "Toast",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "Customize Toast",
	descriptionStyle:  TextStyle(fontSize:  12),
	layoutOrientation:  ORIENTATION.RTL,
	animationType:  ANIMATION.FROM_RIGHT,width:  300,

  • Top-displayed Toast

To change the display position of the custom toast use position attribute

	icon:  Icons.zoom_out,
	color:  Colors.deepOrange,
	title:  "Top  Toast",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "Another custom toast example",
	animationType:  ANIMATION.FROM_TOP,

  • Center-displayed Toast
	icon:  Icons.zoom_out,
	color:  Colors.deepOrange,
	title:  "Center  Toast",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "Another custom toast example",

  • Using onClose parameter (display two successive toasts)
	title:  "User Data",
	titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
	description:  "Your data has been deleted",
	descriptionStyle:  TextStyle(fontSize:  12),
	onClose: (){
			title:  "User Data",
			titleStyle:  TextStyle(fontWeight:  FontWeight.bold),
			description:  "Your data has been deleted",
			descriptionStyle:  TextStyle(fontSize:  12),