WidgetExtensions extension

Widget extension to entend widget functionality



bottomCenter Align
Align child to Bottom Center of parent widget
no setter
bottomLeft Align
Align child to Bottom Left of parent widget
no setter
bottomRight Align
Align child to Bottom Right of parent widget
no setter
center Center
Wrap up any widget without using center widget
no setter
centerLeft Align
Align child to Center Left of parent widget
no setter
centerRight Align
Align child to Center Right of parent widget
no setter
opacity0 Opacity
Get 0% Opacity which means fully invisible
no setter
opacity25 Opacity
Get 25% Opacity which means paritally visible
no setter
opacity50 Opacity
Get 50% Opacity which means half visible
no setter
opacity75 Opacity
Get 75% Opacity which means paritally invisible
no setter
opacity100 Opacity
Get 100% Opacity which means fully visible
no setter
topCenter Align
Align child to Top Center of parent widget
no setter
topLeft Align
Align child to Top Left of parent widget
no setter
topRight Align
Align child to Top Right of parent widget
no setter


align({required AlignmentGeometry alignment}) Align
How to align the child.
expanded([int? flex]) Expanded
Creates a widget that expands a child of a Row, Column, or Flex
hBox(double size, [Widget? child]) SizedBox
Create Fixed size height box
hide([bool isVisible = false]) Visibility
Hide widget
icon(IconData? icon, {Color? color, double? size}) Icon
Set icon to child widget
onDoubleTap(VoidCallback callback) GestureDetector
Add on Double Tap handler to the current widget
onInkDoubleTap(VoidCallback callback, {Color? splashColor, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, bool? enableFeedback, double? radius, BorderRadius? borderRadius, MouseCursor? mouseCursor}) InkWell
Add onInkWell Double Tap handler to the current widget
onInkTap(VoidCallback callback, {Color? splashColor, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, bool? enableFeedback, double? radius, BorderRadius? borderRadius, MouseCursor? mouseCursor}) InkWell
Add on InkWell Tap handler to the current widget
onTap(VoidCallback callback) GestureDetector
Add on Tap handler to the current widget
opacity(double opacity) Opacity
Create a widget that makes its child partially transparent
positioned({double? top, double? bottom, double? left, double? right, double? height, double? width}) Positioned
Creates a widget that controls where a child of a Stack is positioned.
sizedBox({double? height, double? width}) SizedBox
Creates a fixed size box.
squareBox(double size, [Widget? child]) SizedBox
Creates a fixed sqaure size box.
tooltip(String message, {Key? key, Decoration? decoration, double? height, bool? preferBelow, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, TextStyle? textStyle, Duration? waitDuration, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin}) Widget
show tooltip
wBox(double size, [Widget? child]) SizedBox
Create Fixed size width box