MapExtensions extension

Map extension to extend Map functionality



getId → dynamic
Returns the ID of the object if exists otherwise return 0;
no setter
isEmptyOrNull bool
Check map is either empty or null
no setter
isNotEmptyOrNull bool
Check map is neither empty nor null
no setter


contains(String key, dynamic value) bool
Whether this map contains the given key/value pair.
diffKeys(Map map) Map
Returns all entries of this map according to keys.
diffValues(Map map) Map
Returns all entries of this map according to values.
getBool(String key) bool
Reads a key value of bool type from Map.
getDouble(String key) double
Reads a key value of double type from Map.
getInt(String key) int
Reads a key value of int type from Map.
getList<T>(String key) List<T>
Reads a key value of List type from Map.
getString(String key) String
Reads a key value of String type from Map.