ContextExtensions extension

BuildContext extension



brightness Brightness
no setter
height double
This is same as MediaQuery.of(context).height
no setter
isAndroid bool
Check Platform is Android if it is return true otherwise false
no setter
isFuchsia bool
Check Platform is Fuchsia if it is return true otherwise false
no setter
isIOS bool
Check Platform is IOS if it is return true otherwise false
no setter
isLandscape bool
/ Check if device is on landscape mode
no setter
isLinux bool
Check Platform is Linux if it is return true otherwise false
no setter
isMacOS bool
Check Platform is MacOS if it is return true otherwise false
no setter
isPortrait bool
Check if device is on portrait mode
no setter
isWindows bool
Check Platform is Windows if it is return true otherwise false
no setter
mqSize Size
The size of the media in logical pixels (e.g, the size of the screen).
no setter
orientation Orientation
Similar to MediaQuery.of(context).orientation
no setter
textTheme TextTheme
Extension for getting textTheme
no setter
theme ThemeData
Extension for getting Theme
no setter
width double
This is same as MediaQuery.of(context).width
no setter