CustomerIOConfig constructor

  1. required String siteId,
  2. required String apiKey,
  3. Region region =,
  4. @Deprecated("organizationId is deprecated and isn't required anymore, use enableInApp instead. This field will be removed in the next release.") String organizationId = "",
  5. CioLogLevel logLevel = CioLogLevel.debug,
  6. bool autoTrackDeviceAttributes = true,
  7. String trackingApiUrl = "",
  8. bool autoTrackPushEvents = true,
  9. int backgroundQueueMinNumberOfTasks = 10,
  10. double backgroundQueueSecondsDelay = 30.0,
  11. PushClickBehaviorAndroid pushClickBehaviorAndroid = PushClickBehaviorAndroid.activityPreventRestart,
  12. bool enableInApp = false,
  13. String version = "",


    {required this.siteId,
    required this.apiKey,
    this.region =,
    @Deprecated("organizationId is deprecated and isn't required anymore, use enableInApp instead. This field will be removed in the next release.")
        this.organizationId = "",
    this.logLevel = CioLogLevel.debug,
    this.autoTrackDeviceAttributes = true,
    this.trackingApiUrl = "",
    this.autoTrackPushEvents = true,
    this.backgroundQueueMinNumberOfTasks = 10,
    this.backgroundQueueSecondsDelay = 30.0,
    this.pushClickBehaviorAndroid = PushClickBehaviorAndroid.activityPreventRestart,
    this.enableInApp = false,
    this.version = ""});