IndicatorStateGetters extension



isArmed bool
The user has dragged the pointer further than the distance declared by containerExtentPercentageToArmed or offsetToArmed (over the value of 1.0). Releasing the pointer in this state will trigger the onRefresh function.
no setter
isCanceling bool
The function onRefresh has not been executed, and the indicator is hidding from its current value that is lower than 1.0 to 0.0.
no setter
isComplete bool
OPTIONAL - Provide completeStateDuration argument to enable it. The onRefresh callback has completed and the pointer remains at value 1.0 for the specified duration.
no setter
isDragging bool
The user starts scrolling/dragging the pointer to refresh. Releasing the pointer in this state will not trigger the onRefresh function. The controller value changes from 0.0 to 1.0.
no setter
isFinalizing bool
The onRefresh function has been executed, and the indicator hides from the value 1.0 to 0.0.
no setter
isIdle bool
In this state, the indicator is not visible. No user action is performed. Value remains at 0.0.
no setter
isLoading bool
The indicator is in its target value 1.0. The onRefresh function is triggered.
no setter
isSettling bool
The user has released the indicator in the armed state. The indicator settles on its target value 1.0.
no setter