encodePrioritizedSourceChanges function

String encodePrioritizedSourceChanges(
  1. Iterable<PrioritizedSourceChange> changes, {
  2. JsonEncoder? encoder,
  3. Map<String, String>? sources,
  4. String? relativePath,

Encodes a list of PrioritizedSourceChange into a string.

This strips the file paths from the json output.

  • sources is an optional map of file paths to their content. If specified, the changes will be applied to their corresponding source, and the result will be saved in the diff. Glob syntax is supported in the file paths.
  • relativePath can be specified to change file paths in goldens to be relative to a specific directory.


String encodePrioritizedSourceChanges(
  Iterable<PrioritizedSourceChange> changes, {
  JsonEncoder? encoder,
  Map<String, String>? sources,
  String? relativePath,
}) {
  if (sources != null) {
    final buffer = StringBuffer();

    for (final prioritizedSourceChange in changes) {
      buffer.writeln('Message: `${prioritizedSourceChange.change.message}`');
      buffer.writeln('Priority: ${prioritizedSourceChange.priority}');
      if (prioritizedSourceChange.change.id != null) {
        buffer.writeln('Id: `${prioritizedSourceChange.change.id}`');
      if (prioritizedSourceChange.change.selection case final selection?) {
          'Selection: offset ${selection.offset} ; '
          'file: `${selection.file}`; '
          'length: ${prioritizedSourceChange.change.selectionLength}',

      final files = prioritizedSourceChange.change.edits
          .map((e) => p.normalize(p.relative(e.file, from: relativePath)))
          .sortedBy<String>((a) => a);

      for (final file in files) {
        final source = sources.entries
              (e) =>
                  Glob(e.key).matches(file) ||
                  // workaround to https://github.com/dart-lang/glob/issues/72
        if (source == null) {
          throw StateError('No source found for file: $file');

        final sourceLineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(source);

        final output = SourceEdit.applySequence(
              .expand((element) => element.edits),

        final outputLineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(output);

        // Get the offset of the first changed character between output and source.
        var firstDiffOffset = 0;
        for (; firstDiffOffset < source.length; firstDiffOffset++) {
          if (source[firstDiffOffset] != output[firstDiffOffset]) {

        // Get the last changed character offset between output and source.
        var endSourceOffset = source.length - 1;
        var endOutputOffset = output.length - 1;
        for (;
            endOutputOffset > firstDiffOffset &&
                endSourceOffset > firstDiffOffset;
            endOutputOffset--, endSourceOffset--) {
          if (source[endSourceOffset] != output[endOutputOffset]) {

        final firstChangedLine =
            sourceLineInfo.getLocation(firstDiffOffset).lineNumber - 1;

        void writeDiff({
          required String file,
          required LineInfo lineInfo,
          required int endOffset,
          required String token,
          required int leadingCount,
          required int trailingCount,
        }) {
          final lastChangedLine =
              lineInfo.getLocation(endOffset).lineNumber - 1;
          final endLine =
              min(lastChangedLine + trailingCount, lineInfo.lineCount - 1);
          for (var line = max(0, firstChangedLine - leadingCount);
              line <= endLine;
              line++) {
            final changed = line >= firstChangedLine && line <= lastChangedLine;
            if (changed) buffer.write(token);

            final endOfSource = !(line + 1 < lineInfo.lineCount);

                endOfSource ? null : lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(line + 1) - 1,
            if (!endOfSource) buffer.writeln();

        buffer.writeln('Diff for file `$file:${firstChangedLine + 1}`:');
          file: source,
          lineInfo: sourceLineInfo,
          endOffset: endSourceOffset,
          leadingCount: 2,
          trailingCount: 0,
          token: '- ',

          file: output,
          lineInfo: outputLineInfo,
          endOffset: endOutputOffset,
          leadingCount: 0,
          trailingCount: 2,
          token: '+ ',


    return buffer.toString();

  final json = changes.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList();
  // Remove all "file" references from the json.
  for (final change in json) {
    final changeMap = change['change']! as Map<String, Object?>;
    final edits = changeMap['edits']! as List;
    for (final edit in edits.cast<Map<String, Object?>>()) {

  encoder ??= const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');
  return encoder.convert(json);