customLint function

Future<void> customLint({
  1. bool watchMode = true,
  2. required Directory workingDirectory,
  3. bool fatalInfos = true,
  4. bool fatalWarnings = true,
  5. OutputFormatEnum format = OutputFormatEnum.plain,
  6. bool fix = false,

Runs plugins with custom_lint.dart on the given directory

In watch mode:

  • This will run until the user types q to quit
  • The plugin will hot-reload when the user changes it's code, and will cause a re-lint
  • The exit code is the one from the last lint before quitting
  • The user can force a reload by typing r


  • There is no hot-reload or watching so linting only happens once
  • The process exits with the most recent result of the linter

Watch mode cannot be enabled if in release mode.


Future<void> customLint({
  bool watchMode = true,
  required Directory workingDirectory,
  bool fatalInfos = true,
  bool fatalWarnings = true,
  OutputFormatEnum format = OutputFormatEnum.plain,
  bool fix = false,
}) async {
  // Reset the code
  exitCode = 0;

  final channel = ServerIsolateChannel();
  try {
    await _runServer(
      watchMode: watchMode,
      workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
      fatalInfos: fatalInfos,
      fatalWarnings: fatalWarnings,
      format: format,
      fix: fix,
  } catch (_) {
    exitCode = 1;
  } finally {
    await channel.close();