Getting Started
This package is used to make flutter_svg.
Supports platform compilation for:
Properties :
Property | Type | Description |
image | String | (required) image path or ulr. |
key | Key | (Optional) Widget key |
onTap | Function | (Optional) Function to execute when the widget is pressed. |
fit | BoxFit | (Optional) How to inscribe the image into the space allocated during layout. |
height | double | (Optional) The image height. |
width | double | (Optional) The image width. |
backgroundColor | Color | (Optional) The image background color. |
color | Color | (Optional) A color to blend with the image. |
borderRadius | BorderRadius | (Optional) The image border radius. |
elevation | bool | (Optional) The image elevation activate the boxShadow. |
shadowColor | List | (Optional) if elevation is true, the shadow default color is black. |
type | ImageType | (Optional) The image type ImageType.file,, ImageType.asset |
svgTheme | SvgTheme | (Optional) The svg theme. |
filterQuality | FilterQuality | (Optional) The image filter quality. |
pathNoImage | String | (Optional) The image path when the image is not found. |
pathLoading | String | (Optional) The image path when the image is loading. |
childNoImage | Widget | (Optional) The widget to be displayed if the main image fails to load. |
childLoading | Widget | (Optional) The widget to be displayed while the main image is loading. |
sizeIconError | double | (Optional) The size of the error icon. |
Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link.
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
- custom_image
- This library contains the CustomImage widget, which is used to display images from various sources including the internet, assets, or files.