showDialogIfError static method

void showDialogIfError(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. CustomError customError,
  3. String title,
  4. String? message,
  5. List<Widget>? actions,

Shows a dialog if an error exists in the customError object.

This method displays an NAlertDialog with the provided title, message, and actions when an error is detected in the customError object. If message is not provided, it uses the error message from customError.


static void showDialogIfError(BuildContext context, CustomError customError,
    String title, String? message, List<Widget>? actions) {
  String dialogMsg = message ?? customError.getError();

  if (customError.hasAnError()) {
      context: context,
      builder: (BuildContext context) {
        return NAlertDialog(
          dialogStyle: DialogStyle(titleDivider: true),
          title: Text(title),
          content: Text(dialogMsg),
          actions: actions,