parse static method
Parse curlString
as a Curl class instance.
print(Curl.parse('curl -X GET')); // Curl(method: 'GET', url: '')
print(Curl.parse('1f')); // [Exception] is thrown
static Curl parse(String curlString) {
final parser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
// TODO: Add more options
// Define the expected options
parser.addOption('request', abbr: 'X');
parser.addMultiOption('header', abbr: 'H', splitCommas: false);
parser.addOption('data', abbr: 'd');
parser.addOption('cookie', abbr: 'b');
parser.addOption('user', abbr: 'u');
parser.addOption('referer', abbr: 'e');
parser.addOption('user-agent', abbr: 'A');
parser.addFlag('head', abbr: 'I');
parser.addMultiOption('form', abbr: 'F');
parser.addFlag('insecure', abbr: 'k');
parser.addFlag('location', abbr: 'L');
if (!curlString.startsWith('curl ')) {
throw Exception("curlString doesn't start with 'curl '");
final splittedCurlString =
splitAsCommandLineArgs(curlString.replaceFirst('curl ', ''));
final result = parser.parse(splittedCurlString);
// Extract the request headers
Map<String, String>? headers;
if (result['header'] != null) {
final List<String> headersList = result['header'];
if (headersList.isNotEmpty == true) {
headers = <String, String>{};
for (var headerString in headersList) {
final splittedHeaderString = headerString.split(RegExp(r':\s*'));
if (splittedHeaderString.length != 2) {
throw Exception('Failed to split the `$headerString` header');
headers.addAll({splittedHeaderString[0]: splittedHeaderString[1]});
// Parse form data
List<FormDataModel>? formData;
if (result['form'] is List<String> &&
(result['form'] as List<String>).isNotEmpty) {
formData = <FormDataModel>[];
for (final formEntry in result['form']) {
final pairs = formEntry.split('=');
if (pairs.length != 2) {
throw Exception(
'Form data entry $formEntry is not in key=value format');
// Handling the file or text type
var formDataModel = pairs[1].startsWith('@')
? FormDataModel(
name: pairs[0],
value: pairs[1].substring(1),
type: FormDataType.file,
: FormDataModel(
name: pairs[0],
value: pairs[1],
type: FormDataType.text,
headers ??= <String, String>{};
if (!(headers.containsKey(kHeaderContentType) ||
headers.containsKey(kHeaderContentType.toLowerCase()))) {
headers[kHeaderContentType] = "multipart/form-data";
// Handle URL and query parameters
final url = clean(result['url']) ?? clean(;
if (url == null) {
throw Exception('URL is null');
final uri = Uri.parse(url);
final method = result['head']
? 'HEAD'
: ((result['request'] as String?)?.toUpperCase() ?? 'GET');
final String? data = result['data'];
final String? cookie = result['cookie'];
final String? user = result['user'];
final String? referer = result['referer'];
final String? userAgent = result['user-agent'];
final bool form = formData != null && formData.isNotEmpty;
final bool insecure = result['insecure'] ?? false;
final bool location = result['location'] ?? false;
// Extract the request URL
return Curl(
method: method,
uri: uri,
headers: headers,
data: data,
cookie: cookie,
user: user,
referer: referer,
userAgent: userAgent,
form: form,
formData: formData,
insecure: insecure,
location: location,