Apis class


Apis(String? iAmA)
enum "consultant" or "patient"


debug bool
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
iAmA String?
prefs SharedPreferences
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tools Tools
getter/setter pair


activateAccount(String type, String email, String mobile, String code) Future<String?>
addBankAccount(String bank, String accountName, String accountNumber, String withdrawalPin) Future<Map?>
bookAppointment(int doctor, String dateTime) Future<Map?>
cancelAppointment(String reason, String message) Future<bool?>
createPrescription(int patient, int drug, String drug_form, int dose, int strength, String unit, String period, String length, String frequency, String route, String additional_note) Future<Map?>
editDoctorProfile(Map details) Future<String?>
editPatientProfile(Map details) Future<String?>
forgotPassword(String phoneNumber) Future<Map?>
getDoctorDetails(String token) Future<Map?>
getPrescription() Future<Map?>
getUserAccountDetails(String token) Future<Map?>
identityVerification(String id_type, String bvn) Future<Map?>
loginEmail(String email, String password) Future<Map?>
loginPhone(String phone, String password) Future<Map?>
logout() Future<bool?>
makeDeposit(String type, String amount) Future<Map?>
makeWithdrawal(String amount, String withdrawalPin) Future<Map?>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
payTransfer(String email, String password) Future<Map?>
payWithCard(String email, String password) Future<Map?>
recommendedDoctor(String bodyPart) Future<Map?>
rescheduleAppointment(String dateTime) Future<String?>
sendOtp(String email, String phone) Future<Map?>
signUp(String email, String mobile, String password) Future<Map?>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uploadFile(dynamic filePath) Future
verifyOtp(String type, String email, String code, String reference) Future<String?>
viewAppointment(String reason, String message) Future<bool?>
viewTransactions(String phone, String password) Future<Map?>
walletDetails() Future<Map?>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.