Flutter Cupertino Setting Control

With cupertino_setting_control you can create a settings page or a simple form very easy. Therefore, cupertino_setting_control offers multiple Cupertino-Widgets which can be used very flexible and abstracted.
Quick Usage
A few examples:
Example for a drop down widget displayed as text field:
new SettingRow(
rowData: SettingsDropDownConfig(
title: 'Search Area',
initialKey: _searchAreaResult,
choices: {
'Germany': 'Germany',
'Spain': 'Spain',
'France': 'France'
onSettingDataRowChange: onSearchAreaChange,
config: const SettingsRowConfiguration(
showAsTextField: true,
showTitleLeft: false,
showAsSingleSetting: false),
Example for a yes/no widget with a setting title on the left side:
new SettingRow(
rowData: SettingsYesNoConfig(
initialValue: _chatResult, title: 'Allow Chat'),
onSettingDataRowChange: onChatSettingChange,
A complete tutorial how to use Cupertino Setting Control can be found here: Tutorial
Please refer to the example for more examples: Quick-Link
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it. Pull Request are also welcome.