WhatsNewPage constructor

  1. required List<Widget> features,
  2. Widget featuresSeperator = const SizedBox(height: 25),
  3. Widget title = const Text("What's New"),
  4. EdgeInsets bodyPadding = _kOnboardingPagePadding,
  5. double titleTopIndent = _kTitleTopIndent,
  6. double titleToBodySpacing = _kTitleToBodySpacing,
  7. double bodyToBottomSpacing = 0,
  8. int titleFlex = 3,
  9. ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics = const BouncingScrollPhysics(),
  10. Key? key,

Default constructor of the WhatsNewPage widget.

Represents an "What's new" screen in iOS 15 style. It is possible to restyle this widget to match older iOS versions.


  required this.features,
  this.featuresSeperator = const SizedBox(height: 25),
  this.title = const Text("What's New"),
  this.bodyPadding = _kOnboardingPagePadding,
  this.titleTopIndent = _kTitleTopIndent,
  this.titleToBodySpacing = _kTitleToBodySpacing,
  this.bodyToBottomSpacing = 0,
  this.titleFlex = 3,
  this.scrollPhysics = const BouncingScrollPhysics(),
}) : assert(
        'Feature list must contain at least 1 widget.',