CubosStringExtensions extension



capitalize String
Capitalize the first letter.
no setter
capitalizeWords String
Returns given names with all the word capitalized, except some words such as: de, da, das, do, dos, e. Brazil short name (BR) and states (SP, BA, MG...) are return in all upper case.
no setter
cleanCpf String
Returns only numbers of a CPF string, removing all special characters('.' and '-')
no setter
cleanPhone String
Returns only numbers of a phone string, removing all special characters.
no setter
cleanZipCode String
Returns only numbers of a ZIPCODE string, removing all special characters('.' and '-')
no setter
firstName String
no setter
formatterZipCode String
no setter
getBrazilianStates List<Map<String, String>>
no setter
hasDigits bool
no setter
hasLetter bool
no setter
hasLowercase bool
no setter
hasSpecialCharacters bool
no setter
hasUppercase bool
no setter
isBrazilianCountryOrState bool
Returns if a given string is a short string of brazil or brazilian states Ex: Returns true for: Br, br, BR, SP, ba, To.
no setter
isCapitalizable bool
Returns true for words that first capital letter is applicable in pt-br
no setter
isNotNullOrBlank bool
Returns true if the String is NOT null or blank.
no setter
isNullOrBlank bool
Returns true if the String is null or blank.
no setter
isNumeric bool
Returns true is the string is a number.
no setter
toDateTime DateTime?
Converts dd/mm/yyyy String to Datetime. Returns null if the String is in the wrong format;
no setter
toInt int?
no setter