toSourceString method

String toSourceString()

Returns the CSP string.

If the instance was constructed by parse or tryParse, the method returns the original parsed string.

Otherwise the method constructs a new string.


String toSourceString() {
  var source = _source;
  if (source == null) {
    final directiveNames = directivesMap.keys.toList(growable: false)..sort();
    final sb = StringBuffer();
    var semicolon = false;
    final sortedDirectiveNames = directiveNames.toList(growable: false)
    for (var directiveName in sortedDirectiveNames) {
      if (semicolon) {
        sb.write('; ');
      semicolon = true;
      final arguments = directivesMap[directiveName]!;
      for (var argument in arguments) {
        sb.write(' ');
    source = sb.toString();
    _source = source;
  return source;