DartChacha20Poly1305AeadMacAlgorithm constructor

  1. @literal
const DartChacha20Poly1305AeadMacAlgorithm({
  1. @Deprecated('Do not use') Chacha20? chacha20,
  2. @Deprecated('Do not use') Poly1305? poly1305,
  3. @Deprecated('Do not use') bool useStaticBuffer = false,

Constructs AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305.

Optional parameter chacha20 defines the non-AEAD ChaCha20 implementation used by this algorithm. The default is DartChacha20.

Optional parameter poly1305 defines the Poly1305 implementation used by this algorithm. The default is DartPoly1305.


import 'package:cryptography_plus/dart.dart';

void main() {
  final algorithm = DartChacha20Poly1305AeadMacAlgorithm();
  // ...


const DartChacha20Poly1305AeadMacAlgorithm({
  @Deprecated('Do not use') Chacha20? chacha20,
  @Deprecated('Do not use') Poly1305? poly1305,
  @Deprecated('Do not use') bool useStaticBuffer = false,