PBKDF2 function

Uint8List PBKDF2({
  1. required Uint8List salt,
  2. required dynamic password,
  3. String hasher = 'SHA256',
  4. int iterations = 250000,
  5. int keySize = 4,
  6. int? blockLength,

This function generates a cryptographic password using the PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) algorithm.

  • hasher The hash function to use. Default is 'SHA256'.

  • iterations The number of iterations to perform. Default is 250000.

  • keySize The size of the password to generate. Default is 4.

  • salt The salt to use in the PBKDF2 algorithm. This is a required parameter.

  • keyEncoding The encoding of the password. Default is 'utf8'.

  • blockLength The length of the block to use in the HMAC. This is a required parameter.

  • password The password to derive the password from. This is a required parameter.

  • returns Uint8List The derived password.


Uint8List PBKDF2({
  required Uint8List salt,
  required dynamic password,
  String hasher = 'SHA256',
  int iterations = 250000,
  int keySize = 4,
  int? blockLength,
}) {
  final Uint8List _password =
      password is! Uint8List ? UTF8().parse(password) : password;

  final digest = Digest(hasher);

  final pbkdf2 =
      PBKDF2KeyDerivator(HMac(digest, blockLength ?? digest.digestSize * 4));

  pbkdf2.init(Pbkdf2Parameters(salt, iterations, keySize * 8));

  final derivedKey = pbkdf2.process(_password);

  return derivedKey;