Crypt constructor
- String cryptFormatStr
Creates a crypt from a crypt format string.
Produce a Crypt object from parsing a crypt format string.
Throws FormatException or RangeError if the crypt format string is incorrect.
Crypt(String cryptFormatStr) {
// TODO(any): implement without using split, since salt could contain a $
final parts = cryptFormatStr.split(r'$');
if ((parts.length == 4 || parts.length == 5) && parts[0].isEmpty) {
_type = parts[1];
if (_type == idSha256 || _type == idSha512) {
// SHA-256
// Get the rounds (if any)
if (parts.length == 5) {
// Parse explicitly specified rounds
const roundsStr = 'rounds=';
if (!parts[2].startsWith(roundsStr)) {
throw FormatException('Crypt string invalid rounds: ${parts[2]}');
try {
final r = int.parse(parts[2].substring(roundsStr.length));
if (r < _minShaRounds || _maxShaRounds < r) {
throw RangeError('Crypt string rounds out of range: $r');
_rounds = r;
} on FormatException catch (_) {
throw FormatException('Crypt string invalid rounds: ${parts[2]}');
} else {
// No explicit rounds specified
_rounds = null; // default rounds
// Get the salt
_salt = parts[parts.length - 2];
if (_maxShaSaltLength < salt.length) {
throw const FormatException('Crypt string unexpected salt length');
// Get the hash
_hash = parts[parts.length - 1];
if (_hash.isEmpty) {
throw const FormatException('Crypt string empty hash');
} else {
throw FormatException(
'Crypt string: unsupported algorithm: ${parts[1]}');
} else {
throw const FormatException('Crypt string invalid format');