This package encapsulate your methods with cron jobs, using dart cron package and is a source_gen study case so use with caught


Add the @CronBase() annotation to your class and @CronGenMethod to the method that you desire to execute as a cron job.

final CronStuff = CronStuffBase with _$CronStuffBaseCron; 

class CronStuffBase {
  @CronGenMethod.parse('*/1 * * * *') /// will run at every minute
  void myCronStuffs(int arg, {required int requiredArg, double? optionalArg}) {
    print('myMethodTestWithPositioneds original $arg requiredArg $requiredArg');

Then you can use like this

final cronObj = CronStuff();

// execute cron 
cronObj.myCronStuffs(12, requiredArg: 2);

Additional information

This package provides a wrapper for the dart cron package. If you need documentation or have specific use cases for cron, it's recommended to use this package instead.