lastCounts function

Counts lastCounts(
  1. List<String> lines

Takes a list of all the progress messages and finds the last line which containts the counts. It then parses the counts and returns the result in the Counts object.


Counts lastCounts(List<String> lines) {
  for (var line in lines.reversed) {
    line = Ansi.strip(line);
    final regexWithErrors =
        RegExp('.+Errors: ([0-9]*), Success: ([0-9]*), Skipped: ([0-9]*)');

    if (regexWithErrors.hasMatch(line)) {
      final errors = regexWithErrors.firstMatch(line)!.group(1);
      final success = regexWithErrors.firstMatch(line)!.group(2);
      final skipped = regexWithErrors.firstMatch(line)!.group(3);

      return Counts.withValues(
          int.parse(success!), int.parse(errors!), int.parse(skipped!));

    final regexNoErrors = RegExp('.+Success: ([0-9]*), Skipped: ([0-9]*)');

    if (regexNoErrors.hasMatch(line)) {
      final success = regexNoErrors.firstMatch(line)!.group(1);
      final skipped = regexNoErrors.firstMatch(line)!.group(2);

      return Counts.withValues(int.parse(success!), 0, int.parse(skipped!));
  throw Exception('No counts found');