getBankStatementsWithHttpInfo method

Future<Response> getBankStatementsWithHttpInfo({
  1. Object? authorization,

Performs an HTTP 'GET /api/v1/BankStatements' operation and returns the Response. Parameters:


Future<Response> getBankStatementsWithHttpInfo({
  Object? authorization,
}) async {
  // ignore: prefer_const_declarations
  final path = r'/api/v1/BankStatements';

  // ignore: prefer_final_locals
  Object? postBody;

  final queryParams = <QueryParam>[];
  final headerParams = <String, String>{};
  final formParams = <String, String>{};

  if (authorization != null) {
    headerParams[r'authorization'] = parameterToString(authorization);

  const contentTypes = <String>[];

  return apiClient.invokeAPI(path, 'GET', queryParams, postBody, headerParams,
      formParams, contentTypes.isEmpty ? null : contentTypes.first, []);