putAll method

Future<void> putAll(
  1. Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> dataset, [
  2. bool isDeleted = false

Insert multiple values into this dataset.


// TODO Find a way to make this return [void] for sync implementations
Future<void> putAll(Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> dataset,
    [bool isDeleted = false]) async {
  // Ensure all incoming tables exist in local dataset
  final badTables = dataset.keys.toSet().difference(tables);
  if (badTables.isNotEmpty) {
    throw 'Unknown table(s): ${badTables.join(', ')}';

  // Ignore empty records
  dataset.removeWhere((_, records) => records.isEmpty);

  // Generate records with incremented canonical time
  final hlc = canonicalTime.increment();
  final records = dataset.map((table, values) => MapEntry(
      values.map((key, value) =>
          MapEntry(key, Record(value, isDeleted, hlc, hlc)))));

  // Store records
  await putRecords(records);
  onDatasetChanged(records.keys, hlc);