Thanks sqflite plugin

using sqflite plugin

Use this package as a library

$ flutter pub add crazy_db

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

  crazy_db: ^1.0.4

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

  import 'package:crazy_db/crazy_db.dart';


What is CrazyDB?

Secondary encapsulation with sqflite, using point syntax more convenient operation database

Getting started

1.Create the assets folder in the root directory

2.Create the .sqlite file in the assets directory. The default name crazyDB.sqlite

3.Call once before using

import 'package:crazy_db/crazy_db.dart';
await CrazyDB.connection("crazyDB.sqlite");

It copies the file to the sandbox file and if debug mode print .sqlite location

Open database by default


insert data

int ret = await CrazyDB.table("request_cache")

delete data

int ret = await CrazyDB.table("request_cache")
  .where(column: "url", value: "")

update data

int ret = await CrazyDB.table("request_cache")
  .where(column: "url", value: "")

select data

List list = await CrazyDB.table("request_cache")
        .where(column: "id", value: 1)
        .where(column: "url", value: "")
        .whereNotNull(column: "url")
        .orWhere(column: "id", value: 2)
        .whereNotIn("id", [1,3])

Using native SQL processing

await CrazyDB.selectRaw("select * from request_cache");
await CrazyDB.insertRaw("insert into request_cache(url) values('http://')");
await CrazyDB.updateRaw("update request_cache set url='http://' where id = 1 ");
await CrazyDB.deleteRaw("delete from request_cache where id =1");

Using transaction

//waring: You must use CrazyDB.commit() or CrazyDB.rollback() At least once
try {
    await CrazyDB.transaction();
    //Your SQL Please Write here
    int id = await CrazyDB.table("request_cache").create({"url":""});
    CrazyDB.table("request_cache").where(column: "id", value: id).delete();
    //you must use the function
    await CrazyDB.commit();
} catch (e) {
    //you must use the function


method return description
CrazyDB.openDB() bool open database
CrazyDB.closeDB() void close database
CrazyDB.connection(String db) CrazyDB connection db
CrazyDB.transaction() void transaction closure use try catch
CrazyDB.commit() void Execute SQL and The last line You must use the function
CrazyDB.rollback() void if throw Exception() You must use the function
CrazyDB.table(String db) CrazyDB use table name return instance{List? list}) CrazyDB Filter query field
CrazyDB.create(Map<String, dynamic> map) int (id) insert data return id
CrazyDB.db.join(String tab2, String tab1Column, String symbol, String tab2Column) CrazyDB inner join
CrazyDB.db.leftJoin(String tab2, String tab1Column, String symbol, String tab2Column) CrazyDB left join
CrazyDB.db.rightJoin(String tab2, String tab1Column, String symbol, String tab2Column) CrazyDB right join
CrazyDB.db.where({required String? column, String? symbol, required value}) CrazyDB where
CrazyDB.db.whereNotNull({required String column}) CrazyDB $1000
CrazyDB.db.whereNull({required String column}) CrazyDB $1000
CrazyDB.db.orWhere({required String column, String? symbol, required value}) CrazyDB $1000
CrazyDB.db.whereBetween(String column, List list) CrazyDB $1000
CrazyDB.db.whereNotBetween(String column, List list) CrazyDB $1000
CrazyDB.db.whereIn(String column, List list) CrazyDB $1000
CrazyDB.db.whereNotIn(String column, List list) CrazyDB $1000
CrazyDB.db.update(Map<String, dynamic> map) int (count) update data return count
CrazyDB.db.delete() int (count) delete data return count
CrazyDB.db.get() List<Map<String, Object?>> select data
CrazyDB.db.first() Map<String, Object?> select first data
CrazyDB.db.find(int id) Map<String, Object?> select from table where id = {id}
CrazyDB.db.paginate(int page, {int? perPage}) List<Map<String, Object?>> limit 1,1
CrazyDB.db.count({String? column}) int count({column})
CrazyDB.db.sum({String? column, String? alias}) List<Map<String, Object?>> sum()
CrazyDB.db.avg({String? column}) int avg()
CrazyDB.db.pluck(String column, {String? key}) dynamic data to heavy. If the key is null, return list
CrazyDB.db.value(String column) dynamic first data and get column
CrazyDB.db.orderBy(String column, {String? soft}) CrazyDB order by asc
CrazyDB.db.orderByDesc(String column) CrazyDB order by desc
CrazyDB.db.groupBy(String column) CrazyDB group by
CrazyDB.db.having(String sql) CrazyDB having
CrazyDB.getSql() String print native sql

