loadSettings method
Load the user's settings from the SettingsService. It may load from a local database or the internet. The controller only knows it can load the settings from the service.
Future<void> loadSettings() async {
_themeMode = _settingsService.themeMode();
// _cardinalitySelection = await _settingsService.cardinalitySelection();
_cardinalitySelection = CardinalitySelection(
_sharedPreferences.getBool("cardinality.singularEnabled") ?? true,
_sharedPreferences.getBool("cardinality.pluralEnabled") ?? true);
Object? engineVar = _sharedPreferences.get('streakEngine');
if (engineVar == null) {
_streakEngine = StreakEngine();
} else {
if (engineVar is String) {
Map<String, dynamic> engineMap = jsonDecode(engineVar);
_streakEngine = StreakEngine.fromJson(engineMap);
} else {
if (kDebugMode) {
// Important! Inform listeners a change has occurred.