prepareForEditingMode method

void prepareForEditingMode(
  1. List<MentionModel> mentions

In edit mode of text field with mentions, it is necessary to call this method during initialization, where to pass a list of previously set mentions. This will correctly create the set of mentioned users _mentionedObject and the list of current mentions mentions.


void prepareForEditingMode(List<MentionModel> mentions) {
  /// Prepare set of mentioned users

  /// Prepare list of current mentions
  this.mentions = {
    /// Mentions' tags is not stored on backend usually, only positions and id.
    /// So we need to add tags to each mention.
    /// We can get them from the set of mentioned objects that we formed earlier
    /// from the text (by position of mentions)
    final mentionName = _mentionedObject
        .firstOrNullWhere((object) => ==

    return MentionModel(
      mentionName: mentionName != null ? '$tag$mentionName' : '',
      locationStart: mention.locationStart,
      locationEnd: mention.locationEnd,
      tagType: tag,