EvaluationMonad<E, R, W, S> class

Mixed-in types


EvaluationMonad(Monoid<W> _W)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
nothing Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic>
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


ap<A, B>(Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic> fa, Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic> ff) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic>
ask() Evaluation<E, R, W, S, R>
asks<A>(A f(R r)) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
bind<A, B>(covariant Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A> fa, covariant Function1<A, Evaluation<E, R, W, S, B>> f) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, B>
composeF(Functor G) Functor<Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic>>
get() Evaluation<E, R, W, S, S>
gets<A>(A f(S s)) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
handleError<A>(Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A> ev, Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A> onError(E e)) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
join(Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic> ffa) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic>
liftEither<A>(Either<E, A> either) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
liftFuture<A>(Future<A> fut) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
liftOption<A>(Option<A> oa, E ifNone()) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
local<A>(R f(R r), Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A> fa) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
map<A, B>(covariant Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A> fa, covariant B f(A a)) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, B>
modify(S f(S s)) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, Unit>
modifyE(Either<E, S> f(S s)) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, Unit>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pure<A>(A a) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
put(S s) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, Unit>
raiseError<A>(E err) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
scope<A>(R scopedR, Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A> fa) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, A>
strengthL<A, B>(Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic> fa, B b) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic>
strengthR<A, B>(Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic> fa, B b) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
write(W w) Evaluation<E, R, W, S, Unit>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.