countriesMultiLanguagesList top-level property

List<Map<String, dynamic>> countriesMultiLanguagesList
getter/setter pair


List<Map<String, dynamic>> countriesMultiLanguagesList = [
    "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "AW",
    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "ABW",
    "natives": "Aruba",
    "dialing_code": "+297",
    "default_number_length": 9,
    "default_number_format": "## ### ####",
    "local_number_sample": "58 491 3410",
    "International_number_sample": "+297 58 491 3410",
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    "CES": "Aruba",
    "DEU": "Aruba",
    "EST": "Aruba",
    "FIN": "Aruba",
    "FRA": "Aruba",
    "NLD": "Aruba",
    "HRV": "Aruba",
    "HUN": "Aruba",
    "ITA": "Aruba",
    "JPN": "アルバ",
    "KOR": "아루바",
    "PER": "آروبا",
    "POL": "Aruba",
    "POR": "Aruba",
    "RUS": "Аруба",
    "SLK": "Aruba",
    "SPA": "Aruba",
    "SWE": "Aruba",
    "URD": "اروبا",
    "ZHO": "阿鲁巴",
    "ARA": "أروبا",
    "BUL": null,
    "DAN": null,
    "ELL": null,
    "EPO": null,
    "EUS": null,
    "HYE": null,
    "LIT": null,
    "NOR": null,
    "RON": null,
    "THA": null,
    "UKR": null
    "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "AF",
    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "AFG",
    "natives": {"official": "جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان", "common": "افغانستان"},
    "dialing_code": "+93",
    "default_number_length": 10,
    "default_number_format": "### ### ####",
    "local_number_sample": "077 711 0551",
    "International_number_sample": "+93 077 711 0551",
    "ENG": {
      "official": "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan",
      "common": "Afghanistan"
    "CES": {
      "official": "Afghánská islámská republika",
      "common": "Afghánistán"
    "DEU": {
      "official": "Islamische Republik Afghanistan",
      "common": "Afghanistan"
    "EST": {"official": "Afganistani Islamivabariik", "common": "Afganistan"},
    "FIN": {
      "official": "Afganistanin islamilainen tasavalta",
      "common": "Afganistan"
    "FRA": {
      "official": "République islamique d'Afghanistan",
      "common": "Afghanistan"
    "NLD": {
      "official": "Islamitische Republiek Afghanistan",
      "common": "Afghanistan"
    "HRV": {
      "official": "Islamska Republika Afganistan",
      "common": "Afganistan"
    "HUN": {
      "official": "Repubblica islamica dell'Afghanistan",
      "common": "Afghanistan"
    "ITA": {
      "official": "Repubblica islamica dell'Afghanistan",
      "common": "Afghanistan"
    "JPN": {"official": "アフガニスタン·イスラム共和国", "common": "アフガニスタン"},
    "KOR": {"official": "아프가니스탄 이슬람 공화국", "common": "아프가니스탄"},
    "PER": {"official": "جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان", "common": "افغانستان"},
    "POL": {
      "official": "Islamska Republika Afganistanu",
      "common": "Afganistan"
    "POR": {
      "official": "República Islâmica do Afeganistão",
      "common": "Afeganistão"
    "RUS": {
      "official": "Исламская Республика Афганистан",
      "common": "Афганистан"
    "SLK": {"official": "Afgánsky islamský štát", "common": "Afganistan"},
    "SPA": {
      "official": "República Islámica de Afganistán",
      "common": "Afganistán"
    "SWE": {
      "official": "Islamiska republiken Afghanistan",
      "common": "Afghanistan"
    "URD": {"official": "اسلامی جمہوریہ افغانستان", "common": "افغانستان"},
    "ZHO": {"official": "阿富汗伊斯兰共和国", "common": "阿富汗"},
    "ARA": {"official": "إمارة أفغانستان الإسلامية", "common": "أفغانستان"},
    "BUL": "Афганистан",
    "DAN": "Afghanistan",
    "ELL": "Αφγανιστάν",
    "EPO": "Afganio",
    "EUS": "Afganistan",
    "HYE": "Աֆղանստան",
    "LIT": "Afganistanas",
    "NOR": "Afghanistan",
    "RON": "Afganistan",
    "THA": "อัฟกานิสถาน",
    "UKR": "Афганістан"
    "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "AO",
    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "AGO",
    "natives": {"official": "República de Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "dialing_code": "+244",
    "default_number_length": 11,
    "default_number_format": "#### ### ####",
    "local_number_sample": "0915 541 2338",
    "International_number_sample": "+244 0915 541 2338",
    "ENG": {"official": "Republic of Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "CES": {"official": "Angolská republika", "common": "Angola"},
    "DEU": {"official": "Republik Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "EST": {"official": "Angola Vabariik", "common": "Angola"},
    "FIN": {"official": "Angolan tasavalta", "common": "Angola"},
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    "NLD": {"official": "Republiek Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "HRV": {"official": "Republika Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "HUN": {"official": "Repubblica dell'Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "ITA": {"official": "Repubblica dell'Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "JPN": {"official": "アンゴラ共和国", "common": "アンゴラ"},
    "KOR": {"official": "앙골라 공화국", "common": "앙골라"},
    "PER": {"official": "جمهوری آنگولا", "common": "آنگولا"},
    "POL": {"official": "Republika Angoli", "common": "Angola"},
    "POR": {"official": "República de Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "RUS": {"official": "Республика Ангола", "common": "Ангола"},
    "SLK": {"official": "Angolská republika", "common": "Angola"},
    "SPA": {"official": "República de Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "SWE": {"official": "Republiken Angola", "common": "Angola"},
    "URD": {"official": "جمہوریہ انگولہ", "common": "انگولہ"},
    "ZHO": {"official": "安哥拉共和国", "common": "安哥拉"},
    "ARA": {"official": "جمهورية أنغولا", "common": "أنغولا"},
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    "ELL": "Ανγκόλα",
    "EPO": "Angolo",
    "EUS": "Angola",
    "HYE": "Անգոլա",
    "LIT": "Angola",
    "NOR": "Angola",
    "RON": "Angola",
    "THA": "แองโกลา",
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "AIA",
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    "default_number_length": 7,
    "default_number_format": "### ####",
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    "JPN": {"official": "アングィラ", "common": "アンギラ"},
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    "POR": "Anguilla",
    "RUS": "Ангилья",
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    "SPA": {"official": "Anguila", "common": "Anguilla"},
    "SWE": "Anguilla",
    "URD": "اینگویلا",
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    "BUL": null,
    "DAN": null,
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    "EUS": null,
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    "dialing_code": "+358",
    "default_number_length": 10,
    "default_number_format": "### ### ####",
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    "International_number_sample": "+358 457 842 1895",
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    "DEU": {"official": "Åland-Inseln", "common": "Åland"},
    "EST": {"official": "Ahvenamaa maakond", "common": "Ahvenamaa"},
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    "DAN": null,
    "ELL": null,
    "EPO": null,
    "EUS": null,
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    "dialing_code": "+355",
    "default_number_length": 9,
    "default_number_format": "## ### ####",
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    "International_number_sample": "+355 69 236 9975",
    "ENG": {"official": "Republic of Albania", "common": "Albania"},
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    "DEU": {"official": "Republik Albanien", "common": "Albanien"},
    "EST": {"official": "Albaania Vabariik", "common": "Albaania"},
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    "NLD": {"official": "Republiek Albanië", "common": "Albanië"},
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    "HUN": {"official": "Repubblica d'Albania", "common": "Albania"},
    "ITA": {"official": "Repubblica d'Albania", "common": "Albania"},
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    "PER": {"official": "جمهوری آلبانی", "common": "آلبانی"},
    "POL": {"official": "Republika Albanii", "common": "Albania"},
    "POR": {"official": "República da Albânia", "common": "Albânia"},
    "RUS": {"official": "Республика Албания", "common": "Албания"},
    "SLK": {"official": "Albánska republika", "common": "Albánsko"},
    "SPA": {"official": "República de Albania", "common": "Albania"},
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    "URD": {"official": "جمہوریہ البانیا", "common": "البانیا"},
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    "RON": "Albania",
    "THA": "แอลเบเนีย",
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    "default_number_format": "### ### ####",
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    "POR": {"official": "Principado de Andorra", "common": "Andorra"},
    "RUS": {"official": "Княжество Андорра", "common": "Андорра"},
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    "SPA": {"official": "Principado de Andorra", "common": "Andorra"},
    "SWE": {"official": "Furstendömet Andorra", "common": "Andorra"},
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    "EUS": "Andorra",
    "HYE": "Անդորրա",
    "LIT": "Andora",
    "NOR": "Andorra",
    "RON": "Andorra",
    "THA": "อันดอร์รา",
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    "natives": {
      "official": "الإمارات العربية المتحدة",
      "common": "دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة"
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    "default_number_length": 9,
    "default_number_format": "## ### ####",
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    "DEU": "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate",
    "EST": "Araabia Ühendemiraadid",
    "FIN": {
      "official": "Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat",
      "common": "Arabiemiirikunnat"
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    "HUN": "Emirati Arabi Uniti",
    "ITA": "Emirati Arabi Uniti",
    "JPN": "アラブ首長国連邦",
    "KOR": {"official": "아랍 토후국 연방", "common": "아랍에미리트"},
    "PER": {"official": "امارات متحده عربی", "common": "امارات"},
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    "POR": "Emirados Árabes Unidos",
    "RUS": {"official": "Объединенные Арабские Эмираты", "common": "ОАЭ"},
    "SLK": "Spojené arabské emiráty",
    "SPA": "Emiratos Árabes Unidos",
    "SWE": "Förenade Arabemiraten",
    "URD": "متحدہ عرب امارات",
    "ZHO": {"official": "阿拉伯联合酋长国", "common": "阿联酋"},
    "ARA": {"official": "الإمارات العربية المتحدة", "common": "الإمارات"},
    "BUL": "ОАЕ",
    "DAN": "Forenede Arabiske Emirater",
    "ELL": "Ηνωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα",
    "EPO": "Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj",
    "EUS": "Arabiar Emirerri Batuak",
    "HYE": "Արաբական Միացյալ Էմիրություններ",
    "LIT": "Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai",
    "NOR": "De forente arabiske emirater",
    "RON": "Emiratele Arabe Unite",
    "THA": "สหรัฐอาหรับเอมิเรตส์",
    "UKR": "ОАЕ"
    "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "AR",
    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "ARG",
    "natives": {"official": "Argentine Republic", "common": "Argentina"},
    "dialing_code": "+54",
    "default_number_length": 8,
    "default_number_format": "#### ####",
    "local_number_sample": "9417 2679",
    "International_number_sample": "+54 9417 2679",
    "ENG": {"official": "Argentine Republic", "common": "Argentina"},
    "CES": {"official": "Argentinská republika", "common": "Argentina"},
    "DEU": {"official": "Argentinische Republik", "common": "Argentinien"},
    "EST": {"official": "Argentina Vabariik", "common": "Argentina"},
    "FIN": {"official": "Argentiinan tasavalta", "common": "Argentiina"},
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    "NLD": {"official": "Argentijnse Republiek", "common": "Argentinië"},
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    "ITA": {"official": "Repubblica Argentina", "common": "Argentina"},
    "JPN": {"official": "アルゼンチン共和国", "common": "アルゼンチン"},
    "KOR": {"official": "아르헨티나 공화국", "common": "아르헨티나"},
    "PER": {"official": "جمهوری آرژانتین", "common": "آرژانتین"},
    "POL": {"official": "Republika Argentyńska", "common": "Argentyna"},
    "POR": {"official": "República Argentina", "common": "Argentina"},
    "RUS": {"official": "Аргентинская Республика", "common": "Аргентина"},
    "SLK": {"official": "Argentínska republika", "common": "Argentína"},
    "SPA": {"official": "República Argentina", "common": "Argentina"},
    "SWE": {"official": "Republiken Argentina", "common": "Argentina"},
    "URD": {"official": "جمہوریہ ارجنٹائن", "common": "ارجنٹائن"},
    "ZHO": {"official": "阿根廷共和国", "common": "阿根廷"},
    "ARA": {"official": "جمهورية الأرجنتين", "common": "الأرجنتين"},
    "BUL": "Аржентина",
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    "ELL": "Αργεντινή",
    "EPO": "Argentino",
    "EUS": "Argentina",
    "HYE": "Արգենտինա",
    "LIT": "Argentina",
    "NOR": "Argentina",
    "RON": "Argentina",
    "THA": "อาร์เจนตินา",
    "UKR": "Аргентина"
    "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "AM",
    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "ARM",
    "natives": {"official": "Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն", "common": "Հայաստան"},
    "dialing_code": "+374",
    "default_number_length": 10,
    "default_number_format": "### ### ####",
    "local_number_sample": "094 952 1878",
    "International_number_sample": "+374 094 952 1878",
    "ENG": {"official": "Republic of Armenia", "common": "Armenia"},
    "CES": {"official": "Arménská republika", "common": "Arménie"},
    "DEU": {"official": "Republik Armenien", "common": "Armenien"},
    "EST": {"official": "Armeenia Vabariik", "common": "Armeenia"},
    "FIN": {"official": "Armenian tasavalta", "common": "Armenia"},
    "FRA": {"official": "République d'Arménie", "common": "Arménie"},
    "NLD": {"official": "Republiek Armenië", "common": "Armenië"},
    "HRV": {"official": "Republika Armenija", "common": "Armenija"},
    "HUN": {"official": "Repubblica di Armenia", "common": "Armenia"},
    "ITA": {"official": "Repubblica di Armenia", "common": "Armenia"},
    "JPN": {"official": "アルメニア共和国", "common": "アルメニア"},
    "KOR": {"official": "아르메니아 공화국", "common": "아르메니아"},
    "PER": {"official": "جمهوری ارمنستان", "common": "ارمنستان"},
    "POL": {"official": "Republika Armenii", "common": "Armenia"},
    "POR": {"official": "República da Arménia", "common": "Arménia"},
    "RUS": {"official": "Республика Армения", "common": "Армения"},
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    "ZHO": {"official": "亚美尼亚共和国", "common": "亚美尼亚"},
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    "ELL": "Αρμενία",
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    "EUS": "Armenia",
    "HYE": "Հայաստան",
    "LIT": "Armėnija",
    "NOR": "Armenia",
    "RON": "Armenia",
    "THA": "อาร์มีเนีย",
    "UKR": "Вірменія"
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "ASM",
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    "dialing_code": "+1 684",
    "default_number_length": 7,
    "default_number_format": "### ####",
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    "SWE": "Amerikanska Samoa",
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    "EPO": null,
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      "official": "Territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands",
      "common": "French Southern and Antarctic Lands"
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      "official": "Teritorium Francouzská jižní a antarktická území",
      "common": "Francouzská jižní a antarktická území"
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      "official": "Gebiet der Französisch Süd- und Antarktisgebiete",
      "common": "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete"
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      "official": "Territoire des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises",
      "common": "Terres australes et antarctiques françaises"
    "NLD": {
          "Grondgebied van de Franse Zuidelijke en Antarctische gebieden",
      "common": "Franse Gebieden in de zuidelijke Indische Oceaan"
    "HRV": {
      "official": "Teritoriju Francuski južni i antarktički teritoriji",
      "common": "Francuski južni i antarktički teritoriji"
    "HUN": {
      "official": "Territorio della australi e antartiche francesi Terre",
      "common": "Territori Francesi del Sud"
    "ITA": {
      "official": "Territorio della australi e antartiche francesi Terre",
      "common": "Territori Francesi del Sud"
    "JPN": {"official": "フランス領南方·南極地域の領土", "common": "フランス領南方・南極地域"},
    "KOR": "프랑스령 남부와 남극 지역",
    "PER": "سرزمین‌های جنوبی و جنوبگانی فرانسه",
    "POL": "Francuskie Terytoria Południowe i Antarktyczne",
    "POR": {
      "official": "Território do Sul e Antártica Francesa",
      "common": "Terras Austrais e Antárticas Francesas"
    "RUS": {
      "official": "Территория Французские Южные и Антарктические земли",
      "common": "Французские Южные и Антарктические территории"
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      "official": "Francúzske južné a antarktické územia",
      "common": "Francúzske juŽné a antarktické územia"
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      "official": "Territorio del Francés Tierras australes y antárticas",
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      "official": "Franska syd- och Antarktisterritorierna",
      "common": "Franska södra territorierna"
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      "official": "سرزمینِ جنوبی فرانسیسیہ و انٹارکٹیکہ",
      "common": "سرزمین جنوبی فرانسیسیہ و انٹارکٹیکا"
    "ZHO": "法国南部和南极土地",
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    "DAN": null,
    "ELL": null,
    "EPO": null,
    "EUS": null,
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    "LIT": null,
    "NOR": null,
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    "UKR": null
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    "default_number_format": "###-####",
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    "KOR": "앤티가 바부다",
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    "POR": {"official": "Antigua e Barbuda", "common": "Antígua e Barbuda"},
    "RUS": "Антигуа и Барбуда",
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    "SWE": "Antigua och Barbuda",
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    "BUL": "Антигуа и Барбуда",
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    "NOR": "Antigua og Barbuda",
    "RON": "Antigua și Barbuda",
    "THA": "แอนทีกาและบาร์บิวดา",
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    "RON": "Burundi",
    "THA": "บุรุนดี",
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    "RON": "Burkina Faso",
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "BGD",
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      "official": "La République populaire du Bangladesh",
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      "official": "Repubblica popolare del Bangladesh",
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      "official": "Repubblica popolare del Bangladesh",
      "common": "Bangladesh"
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    "POR": {
      "official": "República Popular do Bangladesh",
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      "official": "República Popular de Bangladesh",
      "common": "Bangladesh"
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "BGR",
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "BHS",
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      "official": "Содружество Багамских Островов",
      "common": "Багамские Острова"
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      "official": "Bosnie-et-Herzégovine",
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      "official": "Bosnië-Herzegovina",
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    "PER": "بوسنی و هرزگوین",
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    "POR": "Bósnia e Herzegovina",
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      "official": "Republika Bosny a Hercegoviny",
      "common": "Bosna a Hercegovina"
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    "EPO": "Bosnio kaj Hercegovino",
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    "RON": "Bosnia și Herțegovina",
    "THA": "บอสเนียและเฮอร์เซโกวีนา",
    "UKR": "Боснія і Герцеговина"
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "BLM",
    "natives": {
      "official": "Collectivité de Saint-Barthélemy",
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      "official": "Collectivity of Saint Barthelemy",
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    "DEU": {
      "official": "Gebietskörperschaft Saint-Barthélemy",
      "common": "Saint-Barthélemy"
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      "official": "Saint-Barthélemy territoriaalühendus",
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      "official": "Saint-Barthélemyn yhteisö",
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      "official": "Gemeenschap Saint Barthélemy",
      "common": "Saint Barthélemy"
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      "official": "Kolektivnost sv Barthélemy",
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      "official": "Collettività di Saint Barthélemy",
      "common": "Antille Francesi"
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      "official": "Collettività di Saint Barthélemy",
      "common": "Antille Francesi"
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    "KOR": "생바르텔레미",
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    "POR": {
      "official": "Coletividade de Saint Barthélemy",
      "common": "São Bartolomeu"
    "RUS": {
      "official": "Коллективность Санкт -Бартельми",
      "common": "Сен-Бартелеми"
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    "SPA": {
      "official": "Colectividad de San Barthélemy",
      "common": "San Bartolomé"
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    "URD": "سینٹ بارتھیملے",
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      "official": "التجمع الإقليمي لسانت بارتيليمي",
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    "EUS": null,
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    "LIT": null,
    "NOR": null,
    "RON": null,
    "THA": null,
    "UKR": null
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    "default_number_length": 5,
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    "CES": "Svatá Helena, Ascension a Tristan da Cunha",
    "DEU": {
      "official": "Sankt Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha",
      "common": "St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha"
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    "JPN": "セントヘレナ・アセンションおよびトリスタンダクーニャ",
    "KOR": "세인트헬레나",
    "PER": "سنت هلن",
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    "POR": "Santa Helena, Ascensão e Tristão da Cunha",
    "RUS": "Острова Святой Елены, Вознесения и Тристан-да-Кунья",
    "SLK": "Svätá Helena (zámorské územie)",
    "SPA": "Santa Elena, Ascensión y Tristán de Acuña",
    "SWE": "Sankta Helena",
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    "ZHO": "圣赫勒拿、阿森松和特里斯坦-达库尼亚",
    "ARA": "سانت هيلانة وأسينشين وتريستان دا كونا",
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    "DAN": null,
    "ELL": null,
    "EPO": null,
    "EUS": null,
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    "NOR": null,
    "RON": null,
    "THA": null,
    "UKR": null
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    "default_number_length": 10,
    "default_number_format": "### ### ####",
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    "DEU": {"official": "Republik Belarus", "common": "Weißrussland"},
    "EST": {"official": "Valgevene Vabariik", "common": "Valgevene"},
    "FIN": {"official": "Valko-Venäjän tasavalta", "common": "Valko-Venäjä"},
    "FRA": {"official": "République de Biélorussie", "common": "Biélorussie"},
    "NLD": {"official": "Republiek Belarus", "common": "Wit-Rusland"},
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    "POL": {"official": "Republika Białorusi", "common": "Białoruś"},
    "POR": {"official": "República da Bielorrússia", "common": "Bielorússia"},
    "RUS": {"official": "Республика Беларусь", "common": "Беларусь"},
    "SLK": {"official": "Bieloruská republika", "common": "Bielorusko"},
    "SPA": {"official": "República de Belarús", "common": "Bielorrusia"},
    "SWE": {"official": "Republiken Vitryssland", "common": "Belarus"},
    "URD": {"official": "جمہوریہ بیلاروس", "common": "بیلاروس"},
    "ZHO": {"official": "白俄罗斯共和国", "common": "白俄罗斯"},
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    "DAN": "Hviderusland",
    "ELL": "Λευκορωσία",
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    "EUS": "Bielorrusia",
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    "RON": "Belarus",
    "THA": "เบลารุส",
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "BLZ",
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    "default_number_length": 7,
    "default_number_format": "### ####",
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    "URD": "بیلیز",
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "BMU",
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    "default_number_format": "### ####",
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    "POR": "Bermudas",
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    "EPO": null,
    "EUS": null,
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    "EST": {"official": "Boliivia Paljurahvuseline Riik", "common": "Boliivia"},
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      "official": "Plurinationale Staat van Bolivia",
      "common": "Bolivia"
    "HRV": {"official": "Plurinational State of Bolivia", "common": "Bolivija"},
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      "official": "Stato Plurinazionale della Bolivia",
      "common": "Bolivia"
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      "official": "Stato Plurinazionale della Bolivia",
      "common": "Bolivia"
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    "POR": {"official": "Estado Plurinacional da Bolívia", "common": "Bolívia"},
    "RUS": {
      "official": "Многонациональное Государство Боливия",
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    "SWE": {"official": "Mångnationella staten Bolivia", "common": "Bolivia"},
    "URD": {"official": "جمہوریہ بولیویا", "common": "بولیویا"},
    "ZHO": {"official": "多民族玻利维亚国", "common": "玻利维亚"},
    "ARA": {"official": "دولة بوليفيا متعددة القوميات", "common": "بوليفيا"},
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    "DAN": "Bolivia",
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    "EPO": "Bolivio",
    "EUS": "Bolivia",
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    "NOR": "Bolivia",
    "RON": "Bolivia",
    "THA": "โบลิเวีย",
    "UKR": "Болівія"
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      "official": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba",
      "common": "Caribisch Nederland"
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      "official": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
      "common": "Caribbean Netherlands"
    "CES": "Karibské Nizozemsko",
    "DEU": {
      "official": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius und Saba",
      "common": "Karibische Niederlande"
    "EST": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius ja Saba",
    "FIN": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius ja Saba",
    "FRA": {
      "official": "Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba",
      "common": "Pays-Bas caribéens"
    "NLD": {
      "official": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba",
      "common": "Caribisch Nederland"
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      "official": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius e Saba",
      "common": "Paesi Bassi caraibici"
    "ITA": {
      "official": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius e Saba",
      "common": "Paesi Bassi caraibici"
    "JPN": "ボネール、シント・ユースタティウスおよびサバ",
    "KOR": {"official": "보네르, 신트외스타티위스, 사바", "common": "카리브 네덜란드"},
    "PER": "جزایر کارائیب هلند",
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      "official": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius i Saba",
      "common": "Antyle Holenderskie"
    "POR": {
      "official": "Bonaire, Saba e Santo Eustáquio",
      "common": "Países Baixos Caribenhos"
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      "official": "Бонэйр, Синт-Эстатиус и Саба",
      "common": "Карибские Нидерланды"
    "SLK": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius a Saba",
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      "official": "Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba",
      "common": "Caribe Neerlandés"
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      "official": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
      "common": "Karibiska Nederländerna"
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      "official": "بونایر، سینٹ ایوسٹائیس اور سابا",
      "common": "کیریبین نیدرلینڈز"
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      "official": "بونير وسانت أوستاتيوس وسابا",
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    "THA": null,
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      "official": "Федеративная Республика Бразилия",
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    "EPO": "Brazilo",
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    "NOR": "Brasil",
    "RON": "Brazilia",
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    "default_number_format": "### ####",
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    "NOR": "Barbados",
    "RON": "Barbados",
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      "official": "Nation of Brunei, Abode Damai",
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      "official": "Natie van Brunei, de verblijfplaats van de Vrede",
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      "official": "Nazione di Brunei, Dimora della Pace",
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      "official": "Nazione di Brunei, Dimora della Pace",
      "common": "Brunei"
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      "official": "Nación de Brunei, Morada de la Paz",
      "common": "Brunei"
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    "EPO": "Brunejo",
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    "NOR": "Brunei",
    "RON": "Brunei",
    "THA": "บรูไน",
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    "default_number_length": 9,
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    "DEU": {"official": "Königreich Bhutan", "common": "Bhutan"},
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    "POL": "Bhutan",
    "POR": {"official": "Reino do Butão", "common": "Butão"},
    "RUS": {"official": "Королевство Бутан", "common": "Бутан"},
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    "SPA": {"official": "Reino de Bután", "common": "Bután"},
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      "official": "Centralna Afrička Republika",
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      "common": "República Centro-Africana"
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      "official": "Центрально-Африканская Республика",
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      "official": "Grondgebied van de Eilanden Cocos (Keeling )",
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      "official": "Teritoriju Kokosovi (Keeling) Islands",
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      "official": "Territorio della (Keeling) Isole Cocos",
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      "official": "Territorio della (Keeling) Isole Cocos",
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      "official": "Território dos Cocos (Keeling)",
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      "official": "Территория Кокосовые (Килинг) острова",
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      "official": "República de Côte d'Ivoire",
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    "ITA": {"official": "Repubblica del Camerun", "common": "Camerun"},
    "JPN": {"official": "カメルーン共和国", "common": "カメルーン"},
    "KOR": {"official": "카메룬 공화국", "common": "카메룬"},
    "PER": {"official": "جمهوری کامِرون", "common": "کامِرون"},
    "POL": {
      "official": "Republika WybrzeŻa Kości Słoniowej",
      "common": "WybrzeŻe Kości Słoniowej"
    "POR": {"official": "República dos Camarões", "common": "Camarões"},
    "RUS": {"official": "Республика Камерун", "common": "Камерун"},
    "SLK": {"official": "Kamerunská republika", "common": "Kamerun"},
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    "URD": {"official": "جمہوریہ کیمرون", "common": "کیمرون"},
    "ZHO": {"official": "喀麦隆共和国", "common": "喀麦隆"},
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "COD",
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    "default_number_length": 9,
    "default_number_format": "## ### ####",
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      "official": "Democratic Republic of the Congo",
      "common": "Congo-Kinshasa"
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    "DEU": {
      "official": "Demokratische Republik Kongo",
      "common": "Kongo (Dem. Rep.)"
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      "official": "République démocratique du Congo",
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      "official": "Democratische Republiek Congo",
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      "official": "Demokratska Republika Kongo",
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      "official": "Repubblica Democratica del Congo",
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      "official": "Repubblica Democratica del Congo",
      "common": "Congo (Rep. Dem.)"
    "JPN": "コンゴ民主共和国",
    "KOR": "콩고 민주 공화국",
    "PER": {"official": "جمهوری دموکراتیک کنگو", "common": "کنگو دموکراتیک"},
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    "POR": "República Democrática do Congo",
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      "official": "República Democrática del Congo",
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      "official": "Demokratiska republiken Kongo",
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      "official": "جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية",
      "common": "الكونغو – كينشاسا"
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    "THA": "สาธารณรัฐประชาธิปไตยคองโก",
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    "PER": {"official": "مجمع‌الجزایر قمر", "common": "إتحاد قُمُر"},
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    "THA": "สาธารณรัฐโดมินิกัน",
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      "official": "Repubblica popolare democratica di Algeria",
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      "official": "República Argelina Democrática e Popular",
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      "official": "پادشاهی متحد بریتانیای کبیر و ایرلند شمالی",
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    "default_number_format": "## ## ##",
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      "official": "Co -operative República da Guiana",
      "common": "Guiana"
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      "common": "Hong Kong"
    "NLD": {
          "Hong Kong Speciale Administratieve Regio van de Volksrepubliek China",
      "common": "Hongkong"
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      "official": "Hong Kong Posebnog upravnog područjaNarodne Republike Kine",
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          "Hong Kong Regione amministrativa speciale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese",
      "common": "Hong Kong"
    "ITA": {
          "Hong Kong Regione amministrativa speciale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese",
      "common": "Hong Kong"
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          "Specjalny Region Administracyjny Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej Hongkong",
      "common": "Hongkong"
    "POR": {
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      "common": "Hong Kong"
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      "common": "Гонконг"
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      "official": "ہانگ کانگ عوامی جمہوریہ چین کا خصوصی انتظامی علاقہ",
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      "official": "Heardi ja McDonaldi saarte ala",
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      "official": "Heard en McDonaldeilanden",
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      "official": "Terytorium Wysp Heard i McDonalda",
      "common": "Wyspy Heard i McDonalda"
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      "official": "Teritórium Heardovho ostrova a Macdonaldových ostrovov",
      "common": "Heardov ostrov"
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      "common": "Macao"
    "ITA": {
          "Macao Regione amministrativa speciale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese",
      "common": "Macao"
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      "common": "Makau"
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      "official": "Królestwo Arabii Saudyjskiej",
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      "official": "Saudskoarabské kráľovstvo",
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    "RON": "Arabia Saudită",
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      "official": "Zuid-Georgië en de Zuidelijke Sandwich-eilanden",
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      "official": "Južna Džordžija i Otoci Južni Sendvič",
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      "official": "Georgia del Sud e isole Sandwich del Sud",
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      "official": "Georgia del Sud e isole Sandwich del Sud",
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      "common": "Svalbard e Jan Mayen"
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      "official": "Svalbard og Jan Mayen",
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      "official": "Svalbard og Jan Mayen",
      "common": "Ilhas Svalbard e Jan Mayen"
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      "official": "Свальбарда ог Ян-Майен",
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      "official": "Republic of Sierra Leone",
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    "default_number_length": 8,
    "default_number_format": "## ######",
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      "official": "Repubblica della Sierra Leone",
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      "official": "Repubblica della Sierra Leone",
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      "official": "Demokratische Republik São Tomé und Príncipe",
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      "official": "جمهوری دموکراتیک سائوتومه و پرنسیپ",
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      "official": "Demokratyczna Republika Wysp Świętego Tomasza i Książęcej",
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      "official": "جمہوریہ ساؤ ٹومے و پرنسپے",
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      "official": "جمهورية ساو تومي وبرينسيب",
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    "RON": "Sao Tome și Principe",
    "THA": "เซาตูแมอีปริงซีป",
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      "official": "Ühendriikide väikesed hajasaared",
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    "PER": "ایالات متحده آمریکا",
    "POL": {
      "official": "Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki",
      "common": "Stany Zjednoczone"
    "POR": {
      "official": "Estados Unidos da América",
      "common": "Estados Unidos"
    "RUS": {"official": "Соединенные Штаты Америки", "common": "США"},
    "SLK": {"official": "Spojené štáty Americké", "common": "Spojené štáty"},
    "SPA": {
      "official": "Estados Unidos de América",
      "common": "Estados Unidos"
    "SWE": {"official": "Amerikas förenta stater", "common": "USA"},
    "URD": {"official": "ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکا", "common": "ریاستہائے متحدہ"},
    "ZHO": {"official": "美利坚合众国", "common": "美国"},
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    "ELL": "Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής",
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    "EUS": "AEB",
    "HYE": "ԱՄՆ",
    "LIT": "Jungtinės Valstijos",
    "NOR": "USA",
    "RON": "Statele Unite ale Americii",
    "THA": "สหรัฐ",
    "UKR": "США"
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    "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "UZB",
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    "default_number_format": "## ### ####",
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    "THA": "อุซเบกิสถาน",
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      "official": "Svätá stolica (Vatikánsky mestský štát",
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      "official": "Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines",
      "common": "Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines"
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    "PER": "سنت وینسنت و گرنادین‌ها",
    "POL": "Saint Vincent i Grenadyny",
    "POR": "São Vicente e Granadinas",
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    "SPA": {
      "official": "San Vicente y las Granadinas",
      "common": "San Vicente y Granadinas"
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    "ZHO": "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯",
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    "EPO": "Sankta Vincento kaj la Grenadinoj",
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    "HYE": "Սենտ Վինսենտ և Գրենադիներ",
    "LIT": "Sent Vinsentas ir Grenadinai",
    "NOR": "Saint Vincent og Grenadinene",
    "RON": "Sfântul Vincent și Grenadine",
    "THA": "เซนต์วินเซนต์และเกรนาดีนส์",
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      "official": "Repubblica Bolivariana del Venezuela",
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      "official": "Repubblica Bolivariana del Venezuela",
      "common": "Venezuela"
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    "PER": {"official": "جمهوری بولیواری ونزوئلا", "common": "ونزوئلا"},
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      "official": "Boliwariańska Republika Wenezueli",
      "common": "Wenezuela"
    "POR": {
      "official": "República Bolivariana da Venezuela",
      "common": "Venezuela"
    "RUS": {
      "official": "Боливарианская Республика Венесуэла",
      "common": "Венесуэла"
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      "official": "Venezuelská bolívarovská republika",
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      "official": "República Bolivariana de Venezuela",
      "common": "Venezuela"
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      "official": "Bolivarianska republiken Venezuela",
      "common": "Venezuela"
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    "RON": "Venezuela",
    "THA": "เวเนซุเอลา",
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      "official": "Ühendriikide Neitsisaared",
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      "official": "Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret",
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      "official": "Isole Vergini degli Stati Uniti",
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      "official": "Виргинские острова Соединенных Штатов",
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      "official": "Socjalistyczna Republika Wietnamu",
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      "official": "República Socialista do Vietname",
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      "official": "Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам",
      "common": "Вьетнам"
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      "official": "Vietnamská socialistická republika",
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    "RON": "Vietnam",
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