pub package package publisher

An opinionated library to query information on countries. Apply complex search logic quickly and easily using cascade search filters.


The easiest way to use this library is via the top-level Countries class.

import 'package:countries_info/countries_info.dart';

void main() {
  /// Initialize the main object
  Countries countries = Countries();

  /// Get all countries

  /// Get common names of all countries
  /// sorted alphabetically ascending
  print(countries.getCommonNames(sort: 'asc'));

  /// Get official names of all countries
  /// sorted alphabetically descending
  print(countries.getOfficialNames(sort: 'desc'));

There are two ways to filter for specific countries of interest:

  1. basic search - great for one-off, simple search conditions
  2. cascade search - great for complex, multiple search conditions

Basic search example:

import 'package:countries_info/countries_info.dart';

void main() {
  /// Initialize the main object
  Countries countries = Countries();

  /// Search countries by common or official names
  /// Case insensitive, returns partial matches. 'indo').forEach((country) {

Cascade search example:

import 'package:countries_info/countries_info.dart';

void main() {
  /// Initialize the main object
  Countries countries = Countries();

  /// Initialize a cascade search
  /// Add multiple cascade search filters as required. Each cascade filters the previous results.
    ..byCodes(queryList: ['IND', 'IDN', 'USA', 'AUS'])
    ..byLanguage(query: 'english')

  /// Apply the filters and do stuff with the results
    ..apply().forEach((country) {

Supported get and search queries


  1. common names
  2. official names

Search by:

  1. country name (common and official)
  2. country code (cca2, ccn3, cca3 and cioc)
  3. currency (currency code and name)
  4. demonym (how a citizen is called)
  5. language (language code and name)
  6. capital city
  7. calling code
  8. region and sub region

Not implemented:

  1. everything else

If more queries are needed, feel free to open a discussion on github.

Getting Help

Submit an issue on github.

This work builds upon:

  1. REST Countries
  2. Sealed Countries Do check out their projects too!

How to contribute

All feedback and suggestions for improvements are welcome:

  1. Open a discussion on github
  2. Discuss proposed changes
  3. Submit a PR (optional)

Support my work

This package is possible thanks to the people and companies who donate money, services or time to keep the project running.

If you're interested in becoming a Sponsor, Backer or Contributor to expand the project, reach out to me on github.

Or buy me coffee at 0xdir.near.


An opinionated library to query information on countries. Apply complex search logic quickly and easily using cascade search filters.